Benefits of migrating your data
- A streamlined service delivering resource savings
- A resilient service accessible remotely to improve business continuity
- A geospatial dataset to support local investment decisions
- Digital data available to support planning and infrastructure projects and stimulate economic growth
- Consistent formats of data and an easy-to-use service for the local property market
- Supporting local authority digital obligations and ambitions
- A dataset designed to support local enterprise collaboration
Understand the benefits of the migration process, to support making a business case.
A streamlined service delivering resource savings
We know from migrated LAs that the teams no longer have to process LLC search requests, which allows them to be deployed in other areas.
Due to the high quality of the data, Contact Centre teams can handle more enquiries independently, enabling the officials to manage complex enquiries. Many migrated LAs have reported that internal processes have improved after being reviewed following migration.
Asking questions about the flow of data identifies key improvements and offers senior staff an insight into pain points.
Specific outcomes include:
- reduced turnaround times for CON29 searches post go-live
- triggered review of CON29 and other datasets
- improved and simpler internal process for updating the register
- reduced workload means time on other tasks
- reduced personal search agent appointments
Service delivery
LLC data can be shared across different LA departments to help deliver services more effectively. For example, highways departments would have access to all highway enforcement entries or encroachments that exist and manage these more efficiently as part of their network management.
Data verification
Free access to spatial data will allow staff to self-serve when answering queries, reducing the number of requests for information between departments.
Quick and easy access to LLC data encourages wider use within LAs and increases its visibility among teams. This creates opportunities for new and streamlined ways of working that could produce unexpected resource and/or cost savings.
Disparate departments within each LA can use this newly cleansed data to ensure each dataset is as accurate as possible and could provide the option to enhance by providing spatial extents.
HMLR and Nationwide have developed an API for lenders that assesses LLC data at the first instance of a lending application that unlocks additional benefits and provides greater certainty to lenders for lending on properties affected by certain charge types.
This work underpins the LLC business case and the HMLR spending review submissions which details a net present value return to the economy of £3 billion over a 20-year appraisal period.
A resilient service accessible remotely to improve business continuity
This provides:
- online access to the register is available 24/7 all year round
- provision of an instant search result making it easier to maintain consistent service levels
- HMLR User Interface (UI) can be accessed from any desk/location offering flexibility in service provision
- using the API allows for charges to be automatically uploaded to the LLC register, reducing the amount of manual resource required to maintain records
- online access to the digital service is available to businesses and citizens free of charge
The new digital service provides a clearer audit trail when answering queries on search results received from customers. Any charge added, varied or cancelled post-migration will have a digital audit trail available to both LAs and HMLR, so it’s clear who made the change and when.
A geospatial dataset to support local investment decisions
Spatial data
Spatial LLC data can be overlaid with other LA mapping systems to provide a holistic picture of the LAs assets, locally maintained areas and features. For example, a park maintenance team would have access to all tree preservation orders (TPO’s) in specific areas of interest.
Officers dealing with highway boundary issues can compare TPO data with tree ownership information to improve maintenance.
A fully digital dataset with spatial information supports other service areas in the LA, as they can all use the same high quality data.
The LA team can update charges on the new register using an intuitive, easy to use system from any location. During the data migration process, LA staff work closely with HMLR staff and often develop new skills which can be utilised in other internal data projects. This includes defining business rules, using new data analysis and spatial capture tools and understanding the wider uses of data.
Digital data available to support planning and infrastructure projects and stimulate economic growth
Data quality
Data quality provides:
- the dataset uploaded to HMLR’s digital register is cleansed and checked, reducing risk of errors being present in it
- risks around the manual process have been significantly reduced – less handoffs and accurate data
- fully digital dataset integrated with the spatial planning information in Uniform
- the LLC Programme has helped to identify previously unknown data owners who have since cleansed their data and taken responsibility for it
- improved functionality within spatial layers for internal colleagues to use and interrogate
- report of expired charges extremely useful for local authorities
Consistent formats of data and an easy-to-use service for the local property market
For our customers it has removed the pain points such as:
- reduced search result turnaround times from days or weeks to seconds
- the lack of consistency in search result format and layout replaced by consistent, easy-to-read results
- having access to a digital LLC service for migrated local authorities has reduced the need for their field agents to travel to local authority offices to obtain data. For example, Blackpool and Warwick, PSC agents were having to make 65 and 80 mile round trips respectively. Now that the service has migrated for these two local authorities, those trips are no longer necessary as they can access the information they need remotely. This saves time and resources, as well as reducing fuel costs and their carbon footprint
- PSC’s are now able to make use of the digital service when answering queries from conveyancers. Having easy and instant access to the data means they no longer need to refer to the local authority for further information and can provide a speedy response, helping to enhance the customer experience
- the digital service has also helped when new members of staff are being trained. Having the data in one place and in a standardised format makes it easier for trainees to understand, rather than having to navigate different locations and interpret several different datasets
- the new LLC Register will make the process simpler, faster and cheaper for the conveyancing industry. Often the local authority search is one of the final things to be received during a property purchase, possibly some weeks after enquiries have been raised. Once that search has been received, you may need to make further enquiries of the seller or local authority to obtain further information, such as planning documents or compliance certificates
- the LLC Register assists with providing this information up front for a purchaser as online results are available instantly, 24/7. The free option allows a seller or their solicitor to obtain a copy of the LLC Register entries when instructed on a sale. They can then try to obtain planning and other documents earlier in the process, before issuing the contract pack to the other solicitor. This can drive a more proactive approach and begin to reduce the number of enquiries being raised. This can only be beneficial in avoiding unnecessary delays and reducing transaction times overall. Also, if anything adverse is revealed in the planning information received in the LLC search result, we can advise our homebuying customers at an earlier stage and try to prevent them from incurring unnecessary expense
Supporting local authority digital obligations and ambitions
Improving the reputation means:
- local authorities have been seen to be leading the way as early adopters
- speeding up existing digitisation work associated with the local land charges register
- delivering digitised products for citizens, at a time when citizens expect this as part of the standard offer
- release benefits sooner and use this approach beneficially for similar future projects in the local authority
A dataset designed to support local enterprise collaboration
This means:
- the activity undertaken during migration has enabled collaboration and knowledge-sharing between local authority and HMLR
- increased networking opportunities throughout LLC group
- increased knowledge and understanding of planning and enforcement
- the local authority’s inclusion in a major central government programme has created opportunities for inclusion in other initiatives
The LA and LEP gets a geospatial data set that can inform and support local investment decisions.