Submit an application API
The Submit an application API is used to provide the necessary data to HMLR for updating the register. This API is asynchronous, returning a unique ID for the submission request which can be used when fetching the application status.
The Submit an application API supports the following application types:
- Register update
- Transfer of part
- Dispositionary first lease (includes new lease and lease extension)
- Removing a default Form A restriction (JP1)
The data in the request content contains information about:
- Addresses
- Documents
- Parties
- Transactions
- Titles
View the API specification
See the API Specification here
How the service API works
How to test this service API
Information about testing this API will be provided at a later date
Technical guide
How to use the Submit an application service API
Submit an application
To submit an application request, make a HTTP POST request to the application request endpoint,
the body of which contains the information about the application using the application/json
content type.
This endpoint will return an object containing a unique ID for the request, application_request_id
which is then used when fetching the status of the application. Any errors in the schema will be rejected
as a 400 HTTP error. Any other validation errors will be returned in the application information response.
Note: For general information see the notifications API
During application submission, notifications will be available from the notifications API about changes that happen to the application. These notifications currently include:
- the application has been accepted and is on the day listAPPLICATION_ACCEPTED_QUEUED_FOR_DAY_LIST
- the application has been accepted and is queuing for the day listAPPLICATION_VALIDATION_FAILED
- the application submission has failedAPPLICATION_ERROR
- the application has not been added to the day list due to an error
The notifications will contain the following information:
will contain the updated order status onlyAPPLICATION_ACCEPTED_ON_DAY_LIST
will contain the updated order status, the priority of the application and the HMLR reference for the accepted application.
To get more detailed information about an application that caused the notification, use the application information API.
For example, after receiving a APPLICATION_VALIDATION_FAILED
notification, use the application information API to get a list of the validation errors.
JSON Schemas can be found at the links below:
Validation rules
SOAP migration guide
The structure has changed between the SOAP and REST APIs. Most fields retain their existing names, but some have changed, as noted below:
SOAP Field | REST Field | Comment |
ChargeDate | date | Field on the transaction type Charge
CompanyName | organisation_name | |
ConveyancerName | full_name | Field on OtherConveyancer object |
DisclosableOveridingInterests | disclosable_overriding_interests | |
CertifiedCopy | certification_statement_type | |
DXExchange | exchange_name | Field on DxAddress object |
DXNumber | number | Field on DxAddress object |
Product.Email | Field on ApplicationLodger object |
EmailAddress.Email | Field on Address object, where type is Email
IsApplicant | applicants[] | Array containing PartyReferences for applicants |
NoMDRef | N/A | MDref should not be sent |
OverseasTerritory | incorporation_territory | |
RepresentitiveId | representation_type | |
RoleType | Role | Field on PartyRole object |
MessageID | Idempotency-Key | Idempotency-Key is a HTTP Header |
List of valid territories
When a party is an overseas company, you must provide the territory of incorporation. This territory must be one of the territories defined below:
See territories
- Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
- Afghanistan
- Ajman Free Zone, United Arab Emirates
- Ajman, United Arab Emirates
- Alabama, United States of America
- Aland
- Alaska, United States of America
- Albania
- Alberta, Canada
- Alderney
- Algeria
- American Samoa
- Andorra
- Angola
- Anguilla
- Antarctica
- Antigua & Barbuda
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Argentina
- Arizona, United States of America
- Arkansas, United States of America
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Ascension Island
- Australia
- Australian Antarctic Territory
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Azores
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Belau
- Belgium
- Belize
- Benin
- Bermuda
- Bhutan
- Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
- Bolivia
- Bonaire
- Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Bouvet Island
- Brazil
- British Antarctic Territory
- British Colombia, Canada
- British Indian Ocean Territory
- British Virgin Islands
- Brunei Darussalam
- Bulgaria
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Cabo Verde
- California, United States of America
- Cambodia
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Cape Verde
- Carolina Islands
- Cayman Islands
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Channel Islands
- Chile
- China
- Christmas Island
- Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)
- Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean)
- Cocos (Keeling) Islands
- Cocos Islands
- Colombia
- Colorado, United States of America
- Comoros
- Congo
- Connecticut, United States of America
- Cook Islands
- Costa Rica
- Cote D'Ivoire
- Cote D’‘Ivoire
- Croatia
- Cuba
- Curacao
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Czechia
- Delaware, United States of America
- Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
- Democratic Republic of Congo
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Denmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- Dominican Republic
- Dubai International Financial Centre, United Arab Emirates
- Dubai Silicon Oasis, United Arab Emirates
- Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- East Timor
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- Eire
- El Salvador
- Equatorial Guinea
- Eritrea
- Estonia
- Eswatini
- Ethiopia
- Europe under the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
- Falkland Islands
- Faroe Islands
- Federated States of Micronesia
- Fiji
- Finland
- Florida, United States of America
- France
- French Guinea
- French Polynesia
- French Southern Antarctic Territory
- Fujairah Media Free Zone, United Arab Emirates
- Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
- Fyr Macedonia
- Gabon
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Georgia, United States of America
- Germany
- Ghana
- Gibraltar
- Greece
- Greenland
- Grenada
- Guadeloupe
- Guam
- Guatemala
- Guernsey
- Guinea
- Guinea-Bissau
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Hawaii, United States of America
- Heard & Mcdonald Islands
- Heard and Mcdonald Islands
- Holy See
- Honduras
- Hong Kong
- Hungary
- Iceland
- Idaho, United States of America
- Illinois, United States of America
- India
- Indiana, United States of America
- Indonesia
- Iowa, United States of America
- Iran
- Iraq
- Ireland
- Isle of Man
- Israel
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Jamaica
- Japan
- Jebel Ali Free Zone, United Arab Emirates
- Jersey
- Jordan
- Kansas, United States of America
- Kazakhstan
- Kentucky, United States of America
- Kenya
- Kiribati
- Kosovo
- Kuwait
- Kyrgyzstan
- Labuan
- Labuan, Malaysia
- Lao People’s Democratic Republic
- Laos
- Latvia
- Lebanon
- Lesotho
- Liberia
- Libya
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Louisiana, United States of America
- Luxembourg
- Macao
- Madagascar
- Madeira Free Trade Zone
- Maine, United States of America
- Malawi
- Malaysia
- Maldives
- Mali
- Malta
- Manitoba, Canada
- Mariana Islands
- Marshall Islands
- Martinique
- Maryland, United States of America
- Massachusetts, United States of America
- Mauritania
- Mauritius
- Mayotte
- Mexico
- Michigan, United States of America
- Minnesota, United States of America
- Mississippi, United States of America
- Missouri, United States of America
- Moldova
- Monaco
- Mongolia
- Montana, United States of America
- Montenegro
- Montserrat
- Morocco
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Namibia
- Nauru
- Nauru Island
- Nebraska, United States of America
- Nepal
- Netherland Antarctic Territory
- Netherlands
- Netherlands Antilles
- Nevada, United States of America
- Nevis
- New Brunswick, Canada
- New Caledonia
- New Hampshire, United States of America
- New Jersey, United States of America
- New Mexico, United States of America
- New York, United States of America
- New Zealand
- New Zealand Antarctic Territory
- Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
- Nicaragua
- Niger
- Nigeria
- Niue
- Niue
- Norfolk Island
- North Carolina, United States of America
- North Dakota, United States of America
- North Macedonia
- Northern Mariana Islands
- Northwest Territories, Canada
- Norway
- Norwegian Antarctic Territory
- Nova Scotia, Canada
- Nunavut, Canada
- Ohio, United States of America
- Oklahoma, United States of America
- Oman
- Ontario, Canada
- Oregon, United States of America
- Pakistan
- Palau
- Palestine
- Palestine Territory
- Panama
- Papua New Guinea
- Paraguay
- Pennsylvania, United States of America
- Peoples Republic of Congo
- Peru
- Philippines
- Pitcairn Island
- Poland
- Portugal
- Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Puerto Rico
- Qatar
- Quebec, Canada
- Ras Al Khaimah Free Trade Zone, United Arab Emirates
- Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
- Republic of Korea
- Republic of Moldova
- Reunion
- Rhode Island, United States of America
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Rwanda
- S Georgia and S Sandwich Islands
- Saint Barthelemy
- Saint Helena
- Saint Kitts
- Saint Lucia
- Saint Martin
- Saint Pierre and Miquelon
- Saint Vincent & Grenadines
- Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Samoa
- San Marino
- Sao Tome & Principe
- Sao Tome and Principe
- Sark
- Saskatchewan, Canada
- Saudi Arabia
- Scattered Islands
- Senegal
- Serbia
- Serbia and Montenegro
- Seychelles
- Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
- Sierra Leone
- Singapore
- Sint Eustatius and Saba
- Sint Maarten
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Solomon Islands
- Somalia
- South Africa
- South Carolina, United States of America
- South Dakota, United States of America
- South Sudan
- Spain
- Spanish Territory of North Africa
- Spitzbergen
- Sri Lanka
- St Barthelemy
- St Helena
- St Kitts & Nevis
- St Lucia
- St Martin
- St Pierre and Miquelon
- Sudan
- Sultanate of Oman
- Suriname
- Svalbard and Jan Mayen
- Swaziland
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Syria
- Syrian Arab Republic
- Tahiti
- Taiwan
- Taiwan, Province of China
- Tajikistan
- Tanzania
- Tasmania
- Tasmania, Australia
- Tennessee, United States of America
- Texas, United States of America
- Thailand
- The Bahamas
- The Congo
- The Democratic Republic of Korea
- The Dominican Republic
- The Peoples Republic of Korea
- Tibet
- Timor-Leste
- Togo
- Tokelau
- Tonga
- Trinidad and Tobago
- Tristan Da Cunha
- Tunisia
- Turkey
- Turkmenistan
- Turks and Caicos Islands
- Tuvalu
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Umm Al Quwain, United Arab Emirates
- United Arab Emirates
- United Kingdom
- United Republic of Tanzania
- United States Minor Outlying Islands
- United States of America
- Uruguay
- Us Minor Outlying Islands
- Us Virgin Islands
- Utah, United States of America
- Uzbekistan
- Vanuatu
- Vatican
- Venezuela
- Vermont, United States of America
- Vietnam
- Virginia, United States of America
- Wallis and Futuna
- Washington, United States of America
- West Virginia, United States of America
- Western Sahara
- Wisconsin, United States of America
- Wyoming, United States of America
- Yemen
- Yukon, Canada
- Zambia
- Zimbabwe
Transaction and document types
The application submission API accepts several transaction and document types that describe the desired outcome of the application. These types are defined in the schema in their shortened form, but full definitions of each type can be seen below:
See transactions
Code | Description |
ADV1 | First notice of adverse possession |
ADV2 | Adverse possession: notification |
AGN | Agreed notice (AN1) |
APLC | Appointment of liquidator (creditor’s voluntary winding up) |
APLCO | Appointment of liquidator (compulsory winding up) |
APLM | Appointment of liquidator (members’ voluntary winding up) |
APR | Apportionment of rent |
APT | Appointment of new trustee |
ASSTTP | Assent (Transfer of Part) |
ASTC | Assent of charge |
ASTT | Assent |
ATP | Amendment to title plan |
AUN | Amendment of unilateral notice (UN3) |
BKN | Bankruptcy notice/Creditors’ notice |
BKR | Bankruptcy restriction/Bankruptcy inhibition |
C | Charge |
CAG | Cancellation of notice (not unilateral) (CN1) |
CANI | Cancellation of inhibition (RX3) |
CANR | Cancellation of restriction (RX3) |
CANU | Cancellation of unilateral notice (UN4) |
CBKN | Cancellation of bankruptcy notice |
CBKR | Cancellation of bankruptcy restriction |
CCT | Cancellation of a caution (CCD) |
CH2 | Obligation to make further advances (CH2) |
CH3 | Agreed maximum amount of security (CH3) |
CHOA | Charging order - Agreed notice (AN1) |
CHOU | Charging order - Unilateral notice (UN1) |
CHR | Cancellation of home rights (HR4) |
CN | Change of name |
CNC | Change of name - chargee |
CNL | Cancellation of an unregistered noted lease (CN1) |
COA | Change of address for service |
COAC | Change of address for service - chargee |
CON | Consolidation of charge |
COP | Charge of part |
CPD | Change of property description |
CPVK | Compulsory purchase (property value known) |
CPVU | Compulsory purchase (property value unknown) |
CTD | Commonhold transitional dealing |
CUR | Cancellation of notice of unregistered Rentcharge |
DB | Determined boundary (DB) |
DCLN | Disclaimer - notification |
DCLV | Disclaimer - notice |
DFL1 | New lease - other |
DFL3 | New lease - shared ownership |
DFL4 | New lease - right to buy or right to acquire |
DFL5 | Dispositionary first lease extension of a term |
DFT | Defect in title s64(1) LRA 2002 |
DIS | Discharge of charge |
DJP | Death of a joint proprietor |
DL | Discontinuous lease - non-timeshare |
DMR | Disapplication of restriction (RX2) |
DOG | Deed of grant of easement |
DP | Discharge of part |
DSP | Death of a sole proprietor |
DTL | Discontinuous lease - timeshare |
EXR | Extinguishment of rentcharge |
HR | Notice of home rights (HR1) |
JP1 | Removal of default Form A restriction |
LCATCO | Lease closure - of assured tenancies following court order |
LCBD | Lease closure - by disclaimer |
LCBET | Lease closure - by effluxion of time |
LCBN | Lease closure - by notice |
LCF | Lease closure - forfeiture |
LCMRE | Lease closure - merger with reversionary estate |
LCOE | Lease closure - on enlargement |
LCOF | Lease closure - on frustration |
LCSD | Lease closure - surrender by deed (not for value or reverse premium) |
LCSDM | Lease closure - surrender by deed |
LCSDWT | Lease closure - surrender by deed with a transfer (not for value or reverse premium) |
LCSDMWT | Lease closure - surrender by deed (together with transfer) |
LCSOL | Lease closure - surrender by operation of law (not for value or reverse premium) |
LCSOLM | Lease closure - surrender by operation of law |
MDR | Modification of Restriction |
NCT | Caution amendment, new cautioner |
NDC | Notification of dissolution of company |
NFR | Noting of an affecting franchise |
NOE | Noting an easement |
NOL | Noting a lease |
NPR | Noting of a profit |
NRT | Notice of rentcharge |
PC | Postponement of charge |
PER | Personal covenants |
PRO | Provisions |
RC | Restrictive covenants - entry of |
RFN | Deed of rectification |
RHR | Renewal of home rights (HR2) |
ROCA | Release of covenants - agreed notice (AN1) |
ROCC | Release of covenants - cancellation (CN1) |
ROCU | Release of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1) |
RNT | Overriding lease granted under s.19, Landlord & Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995 |
ROE | Release of easements |
RRD | Removal of a right to determine |
RTM | Acquisition of right to manage |
RUN | Removal of unilateral notice (UN2) |
RXL | Form ll restriction entered - simple request |
RXN | Restriction (non-standard wording) (RX1) |
RXS | Restriction (standard wording) (RX1) |
SBC | Sub charge |
SHO | Shared ownership - additional share |
SJT | Severance of joint tenancy (SEV, RX1) |
STVC | Statutory vestings charge |
STVL | Statutory vestings land |
T | Transfer for value |
TNV | Transfer (not for value or reverse premium) |
TNVTP | Transfer (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part) |
TOC | Transfer of charge |
TOSNV | Transfer of share (not for value or reverse premium) |
TOSNVTP | Transfer of share (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part) |
TOSTP | Transfer of share for value (Transfer of part) |
TOSV | Transfer of share for value |
TPS | Transfer under power of sale |
TPSTP | Transfer under power of sale (Transfer of part) |
TRC | Termination of commonhold |
TRM | Transfer by operation of law on death |
TSCNV | Transfer subject to a charge (not for value or reverse premium) |
TSCNVTP | Transfer subject to a charge (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part) |
TSCTP | Transfer subject to a charge for value (Transfer of part) |
TSCV | Transfer subject to a charge for value |
TTP | Transfer for value (Transfer of part) |
TVR | Transfer for value RTB/RTA |
TVRTP | Transfer for value RTB/RTA (Transfer of part) |
UNN | Unilateral notice (UN1) |
UPT | Upgrade class of title (UT1) |
VC | Variation of charge |
VLAN | Variation of lease - agreed notice (AN1) |
VLAP | Deed of variation of a lease - not increasing the term of or adding new land to the extent demised |
VLUN | Variation of lease - unilateral notice (UN1) |
VO | Vesting order |
VOC | Variation of covenants |
VOCA | Variation of covenants - agreed notice (AN1) |
VOCU | Variation of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1) |
VOE | Variation of easements |
VOEA | Variation of easements - agreed notice (AN1) |
VOEU | Variation of easements - unilateral notice (UN1) |
WCT | Withdrawal of caution |
WDR | Withdraw a restriction (RX4) |
See documents
Type | Details |
ABSTRACT | Abstract |
ACKAPU | Adjudicator’s Letter Confirming a Court’s Decision (ACKAPU) |
ADJAR | Adjudicator’s Letter of Refusal (ADJAR) |
ADJREVU | Adjudicator’s Letter of Confirmation (ADJREVU) |
ADMIN_LTRS | Letters of Administration |
ADV1 | Adverse possession: registration (ADV1) |
ADV2 | Adverse possession: notification (ADV2) |
AGREEMENT | Agreement |
AMS1 | Application to use Application Management Service (AMS1) |
AN1 | AN1 Agreed notice |
AP1 | AP1 Application to change the register |
APPL_FRM | Application Form |
APPOINTMENT_OF_TRUSTEE | Deed of Appointment of New Trustee |
AS1 | AS1 registered title(s): assent of whole |
AS2 | AS2: Assent of Charge |
AS3 | AS3 Assent of Part |
ASSENT | Assent |
ASSIGNMENT | Assignment |
BIRTH_CERT | Birth Certificate |
BOUND_PLAN | Determined Boundary Plan |
CC | CC |
CCD | CCD Cancel caution against dealings |
CERT_CON_CH | Original or certified copy of the certificate of incorporation of change of name issued by Companies House |
CERT_DEATH | Certificate of Presumed Death |
CERT_REG_CH | Certificate of registration issued by Companies House |
CERT_S89 | Certificate of Filing to Comply with s. 89 of the Insolvency Act 1987 |
CH1 | CH1 Legal charge (mortgage) of a registered estate |
CH2 | CH2 Obligation to make further advances |
CH3 | CH3 Note agreed maximum amount of security |
CHARGE | Charge |
CHARG_ORD | Charging Order |
CIVIL_CERT | Marriage/civil partnership certificate |
CM2 | Commonhold land: registered freehold termination (CM2) |
CM5 | Commonhold land: termination (CM5) |
CM6 | Commonhold successor: registration (CM6) |
CN1 | CN1 Cancel notice |
CNFRM_DTMN_LTA_LGHA | Confirmation of determination of lease in accordance with the LTA 1954 or the LGHA 1989 |
CNFRM_NO_DEED_SUR | Confirmation that no deed of surrender has been entered into |
CNFRM_NO_LTA_LGHA | Confirmation that neither the LTA 1954 nor the LGHA 1989 affect the lease |
CNSNT_ADMIN_COURT | Consent of the administrator or the court (if lessee is in administration) |
COMP_DOC | Company Documentation |
CONSENT | Consent |
CONST_COMP | Document(s) constituting the company |
CONTR_RES | Contributory’s resolution appointing the liquidator |
CONV_CERT | Conveyancer’s Certificate |
CONV_CERT_DEATH | Conveyancer’s Certificate of the fact of death |
CONVEYANCE | Conveyance |
COR_CERT | Coroner’s Certificate |
CORRES | Correspondence |
COSR | Company search result |
COURT_ORD | Court Order |
CRALIQ | Company resolution appointing the liquidator |
CRED_DEC | Creditor’s decision notice |
CRED_RES | Creditor’s resolution appointing the liquidator |
CRT_FORM_7 | Certificate in Form 7 |
CRWALIQ | Company resolution that it be wound up and appointing the liquidator |
DB | DB Determine the exact line of a boundary |
DEATH_CERT | Death Certificate |
DEC_AB_NULL_MARR | Decree absolute or nullity of marriage |
DEED | Deed |
DEED_POLL | Deed poll |
DEED_REG_DIS | Deed which is a registrable disposition |
DEED_SUR | Deed of Surrender |
DISCHARGE | Discharge |
DJP | DJP Death of joint proprietor |
DL | Document List |
DOP | Deed of postponement |
DRIVING_LICENCE | Driving licence |
DS1 | DS1 |
DS2 | DS2 Cancel entries relating to registered charge |
DS3 | DS3 Release of Part of the Land from a registered charge |
EOB | Evidence of bankruptcy |
EOL | Evidence of liquidation |
EVD_NO_RENEW | Evidence that any option to renew has not been, and cannot be, exercised |
EVIDENCE | Evidence |
EV_OV_NAME_CHANGE | Evidence of an overseas company name change |
EX1 | EX1 Exempt information document |
EX1A | EX1A |
FORM_600 | Companies House Form 600 |
FORM_600CH | Companies House Form 600CH |
FORM_DI | Form DI |
FORM_JO | Form JO (Trust Information) |
FR1 | FR1 Application for First Registration |
GENDER_CERT | Gender recognition certificate |
GVD | General vesting declaration |
HR1 | HR1 Notice of home rights |
HR2 | HR2 Renew notice of home rights |
HR4 | HR4 Cancel notice of home rights |
ID1 | ID1 - Verify identity: citizen |
ID2 | ID2 - Verify identity: body corporate |
ID3 | ID3 - Certificate of identity for a private individual |
ID4 | ID4 - Certificate of identity for a body corporate |
ID5 | ID5 - Certificate to be given by a conveyancer where a person’s identity has been verified by way of an online video call |
ID_EV | Identity Evidence |
ID_FRM | Identity Form |
INDENTURE | Indenture |
JP1 | JP1 Letter |
K17_OR_K18 | Land Charge Search in Form K17 or K18 |
K20 | Certificate of Cancellation of Bankruptcy Notice in Form K20 |
K22 | Acknowledgement of Application for Cancellation of Bankruptcy Notice in Form K22 |
K3 | HMLR Form K3 |
K4 | HMLR Form K4 |
LEASE | Lease |
LICENCE | Licence |
LIQ01 | Companies House Form LIQ01 |
LIQ_CERT_1 | Liquidator’s certificate confirming liquidator’s appointment or that no resolution was passed nominating one |
LIQ_CERT_2 | Liquidator’s certificate that a meeting was held in accordance with s. 98(1) of the Insolvency Act 1986 |
LIQ_CERT_3 | Liquidator’s certificate that appointment confirmed by a creditor’s qualifying decision procedure |
LNDLD_CNSNT | Landlord’s consent |
LONP | Letter or notice of postponement |
LR_CORRES | LR Correspondence |
LTT | Land Transaction Tax |
MARR_CERT | Marriage Certificate |
MEMO | Memorandum |
MORD | Ministerial order |
MRTG_DEED | Mortgage Deed |
NOD | Notice of disclaimer |
ORD_DISS_NULL_CP | Order of dissolution or nullity of civil partnership |
PASSPORT | Passport |
PLAN | Plan |
POA | Power of Attorney |
PROBATE | Probate |
PSS1 | Application to use Pre-submission Enquiry Service (PSS1) |
REVERS_INT | Examined Abstract of Reversionary Interest(s) |
RN | Receipted Notice |
RX1 | RX1 Restriction |
RX2 | RX2 Disapply or modify restriction |
RX3 | RX3 Cancel restriction |
RX4 | RX4 Withdraw restriction |
RXC | RXC Restriction: consent or certificate |
SC | SC Note overriding priority of statutory charge |
SDLT | Stamp Duty Land Tax |
SEV | SEV Severance of Joint Tenancy |
SHRF_RTN | Sheriff’s Return |
SIDE_LTR | Side Letter |
SOT | Statement Of Truth |
SSALIQ | Appointment of Liquidator by The Secretary of State |
STAT_DEC | Statutory Declaration |
SUB_CHARGE | Sub Charge |
TP1 | TP1 Transfer of part of registered title(s) |
TP2 | TP2 Transfer of part under power of sale |
TR1 | TR1 Registered title(s): whole transfer |
TR2 | TR2 Registered title(s) under power of sale: whole transfer |
TR4 | TR4 |
TRANSFER | Transfer |
TRUSTEE_RESOLUTION | Trustee resolution |
UN1 | UN1 Unilateral notice |
UN2 | UN2 Remove unilateral notice |
UN3 | UN3 Beneficiary of an existing unilateral notice |
UN4 | UN4 Cancel unilateral notice |
UT1 | UT1 Upgrade of title |
VAR_CHARGE | Deed of Variation of Charge |
VAR_COV | Deed of Variation of Covenants |
VAR_EAS | Deed of Variation of Easements |
VAR_LEASE | Deed of Variation of Lease |
VESTING_ORDER | Vesting order |
WCT | WCT Withdraw caution |
WINDING_UP | Winding up order |
WIT_STATE | Witness Statement |
As well as the definition of each transaction/document, we have also provided a mapping, showing the required documents for each transaction type. There are three categories of documents that can be uploaded for a transaction:
- Compulsory - This document is required for the transaction type
- Either - At least one of the documents marked as ‘Either’ must be submitted with the transaction
- Suggested - These documents are not required, but are commonly attached alongside the transaction
For example, for an ADV1
transaction type, the following documents need to be uploaded:
- An
document must be uploaded - At least one of a
document must be uploaded COSR
documents are not required, but may help when processing your application
During application submission, validation will be applied for each transaction to ensure the rules regarding the ‘Compulsory’ and ‘Either’ document types have been satisfied correctly:
See transaction/document mapping
Transaction type code | Document type code | Document class code |
ADV1 | ADV1 | Compulsory |
SOT | Either | |
STAT_DEC | Either | |
COSR | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
ADV2 | ADV2 | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
AGN | AN1 | Compulsory |
CHARGE | Suggested | |
CHARG_ORD | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
SOT | Suggested | |
STAT_DEC | Suggested | |
TRANSFER | Suggested | |
DEED | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
APLC | CRWALIQ | Compulsory |
FORM_600 | Either | |
FORM_600CH | Either | |
CRED_DEC | Either | |
CRED_RES | Either | |
LIQ_CERT_2 | Either | |
LIQ_CERT_3 | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
APLCO | WINDING_UP | Compulsory |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
FORM_600 | Suggested | |
FORM_600CH | Suggested | |
CRED_RES | Suggested | |
CONTR_RES | Suggested | |
LIQ_CERT_1 | Suggested | |
SSALIQ | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
APLM | CERT_S89 | Compulsory |
LIQ01 | Compulsory | |
FORM_600 | Either | |
FORM_600CH | Either | |
CRALIQ | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
APR | DEED | Either |
TRANSFER | Either | |
MORD | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
APT | TRANSFER | Either |
VESTING_ORDER | Either | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
ASSTTP | AS3 | Compulsory |
ADMIN_LTRS | Either | |
PROBATE | Either | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
ASTC | AS2 | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
COURT_ORD | Either | |
ADMIN_LTRS | Either | |
PROBATE | Either | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
ASTT | AS1 | Compulsory |
PROBATE | Either | |
ADMIN_LTRS | Either | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
ATP | CORRES | Suggested |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
AUN | UN3 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
BKN | K3 | Either |
K4 | Either | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
BKR | RX1 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
Compulsory | CH1 | Either |
MRTG_DEED | Either (Compulsory if mdref is provided) | |
CH2 | Suggested | |
RX1 | Suggested | |
CAG | CN1 | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
SOT | Suggested | |
STAT_DEC | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
CANI | RX3 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
CANR | RX3 | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
SOT | Suggested | |
STAT_DEC | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
CANU | UN4 | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
SOT | Suggested | |
STAT_DEC | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
CBKN | COURT_ORD | Either |
K22 | Either | |
ADJAR | Either | |
ACKAPU | Either | |
ADJREVU | Either | |
K20 | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
CBKR | COURT_ORD | Either |
EVIDENCE | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
CCT | CCD | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
CH2 | CH2 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
CH3 | CH3 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
CHOA | AN1 | Compulsory |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
CHOU | UN1 | Compulsory |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
CHR | HR4 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
CN | CORRES | Compulsory |
BIRTH_CERT | Either | |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
DEED_POLL | Either | |
EVIDENCE | Either | |
GENDER_CERT | Either | |
CIVIL_CERT | Either | |
PASSPORT | Either | |
SOT | Either | |
STAT_DEC | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
CNC | CORRES | Compulsory |
BIRTH_CERT | Either | |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
DEED_POLL | Either | |
EVIDENCE | Either | |
GENDER_CERT | Either | |
CIVIL_CERT | Either | |
PASSPORT | Either | |
SOT | Either | |
STAT_DEC | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
CNL | CN1 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
COA | CORRES | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
COAC | CORRES | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
CON | CC | Compulsory |
COP | CH1 | Either |
MRTG_DEED | Either | |
CH2 | Suggested | |
RX1 | Suggested | |
CPD | CORRES | Either |
EVIDENCE | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
CPVK | DEED_POLL | Either |
GVD | Either | |
CPVU | DEED_POLL | Either |
GVD | Either | |
CTD | CM2 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
CUR | CN1 | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Compulsory | |
POA | Suggested | |
DB | BOUND_PLAN | Compulsory |
DB | Compulsory | |
POA | Suggested | |
DCLN | EVIDENCE | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
DCLV | EVIDENCE | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
DFL1 | LEASE | Compulsory |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
DFL3 | LEASE | Compulsory |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
DFL4 | LEASE | Compulsory |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
DFL5 | LEASE | Either |
VAR_LEASE | Either | |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
DFT | EVIDENCE | Suggested |
POA | Suggested | |
DIS | DS1 | Compulsory (When discharge_submission_type is
DJP | DJP | Compulsory |
DEATH_CERT | Either | |
PROBATE | Either | |
CERT_DEATH | Either | |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
COR_CERT | Either | |
ADMIN_LTRS | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
DL | LEASE | Compulsory |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
DMR | RX2 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
DOG | DEED | Compulsory |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
DP | DS1 | Compulsory |
DSP | DEATH_CERT | Either |
PROBATE | Either | |
CERT_DEATH | Either | |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
COR_CERT | Either | |
ADMIN_LTRS | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
DTL | LEASE | Compulsory |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
EXR | CN1 | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Compulsory | |
POA | Suggested | |
HR | HR1 | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
JP1 | JP1 | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
STAT_DEC | Either | |
SHRF_RTN | Either | |
LCBD | NOD | Compulsory |
EOB | Either | |
EOL | Either | |
CN1 | Suggested | |
DS1 | Suggested | |
DS3 | Suggested | |
HR4 | Suggested | |
RX3 | Suggested | |
RX4 | Suggested | |
UN2 | Suggested | |
UN4 | Suggested | |
CNFRM_NO_LTA_LGHA | Either | |
CN1 | Suggested | |
EVD_NO_RENEW | Suggested | |
LCBN | RN | Either |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
STAT_DEC | Either | |
LCF | COURT_ORD | Either |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
STAT_DEC | Either | |
CNSNT_ADMIN_COURT | Suggested | |
LCMRE | CN1 | Suggested |
DS1 | Suggested | |
DS3 | Suggested | |
HR4 | Suggested | |
RX3 | Suggested | |
RX4 | Suggested | |
UN2 | Suggested | |
UN4 | Suggested | |
LCOE | FR1 | Compulsory |
DEED_REG_DIS | Compulsory | |
LCOF | EVIDENCE | Compulsory |
LCSD | DEED_SUR | Either |
TR1 | Either | |
TP1 | Either | |
CN1 | Suggested | |
DS1 | Suggested | |
DS3 | Suggested | |
HR4 | Suggested | |
RX3 | Suggested | |
RX4 | Suggested | |
UN2 | Suggested | |
UN4 | Suggested | |
LNDLD_CNSNT | Either | |
LCSDM | DEED_SUR | Either |
TR1 | Either | |
TP1 | Either | |
LNDLD_CNSNT | Either | |
CN1 | Suggested | |
DS1 | Suggested | |
DS3 | Suggested | |
HR4 | Suggested | |
RX3 | Suggested | |
RX4 | Suggested | |
UN2 | Suggested | |
UN4 | Suggested | |
LCSDMWT | DEED_SUR | Suggested |
LNDLD_CNSNT | Suggested | |
CN1 | Suggested | |
DS1 | Suggested | |
DS3 | Suggested | |
HR4 | Suggested | |
RX3 | Suggested | |
RX4 | Suggested | |
UN2 | Suggested | |
UN4 | Suggested | |
LCSDWT | DEED_SUR | Suggested |
LNDLD_CNSNT | Suggested | |
CN1 | Suggested | |
DS1 | Suggested | |
DS3 | Suggested | |
HR4 | Suggested | |
RX3 | Suggested | |
RX4 | Suggested | |
UN2 | Suggested | |
UN4 | Suggested | |
LCSOL | CN1 | Suggested |
DS1 | Suggested | |
DS3 | Suggested | |
HR4 | Suggested | |
RX3 | Suggested | |
RX4 | Suggested | |
UN2 | Suggested | |
UN4 | Suggested | |
SOT | Suggested | |
STAT_DEC | Suggested | |
CNFRM_NO_DEED_SUR | Suggested | |
LCSOLM | STAT_DEC | Suggested |
CNFRM_NO_DEED_SUR | Suggested | |
CN1 | Suggested | |
DS1 | Suggested | |
DS3 | Suggested | |
HR4 | Suggested | |
RX3 | Suggested | |
RX4 | Suggested | |
UN2 | Suggested | |
UN4 | Suggested | |
SOT | Suggested | |
MDR | RX2 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
NCT | EVIDENCE | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
NDC | CORRES | Suggested |
POA | Suggested | |
NFR | AN1 | Either |
UN1 | Either | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
NOE | DEED | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
NOL | LEASE | Compulsory |
AN1 | Either | |
UN1 | Either | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
NPR | EVIDENCE | Suggested |
POA | Suggested | |
NRT | AN1 | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
PC | DOP | Either |
LONP | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
PER | DEED | Suggested |
POA | Suggested | |
PRO | DEED | Suggested |
POA | Suggested | |
RC | DEED | Suggested |
POA | Suggested | |
RFN | DEED | Suggested |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
RHR | HR2 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
RNT | LEASE | Compulsory |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
ROCA | AN1 | Compulsory |
DEED | Compulsory | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
ROCC | CN1 | Compulsory |
DEED | Compulsory | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
ROCU | UN1 | Compulsory |
DEED | Compulsory | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
ROE | DEED | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
RRD | EVIDENCE | Suggested |
POA | Suggested | |
RTM | EVIDENCE | Either |
CONV_CERT | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
RUN | UN2 | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
RXL | RX1 | Compulsory |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
RXN | RX1 | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
RXS | RX1 | Compulsory |
CHARG_ORD | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
SEV | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
SBC | MRTG_DEED | Compulsory |
SHO | MEMO | Either |
DEED | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
SJT | RX1 | Either |
SEV | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
STVC | EVIDENCE | Compulsory |
COR_CERT | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
STVL | EVIDENCE | Compulsory |
COR_CERT | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
T | TR1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
CIVIL_CERT | Suggested | |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
PROBATE | Suggested | |
TNV | TR1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
CIVIL_CERT | Suggested | |
PROBATE | Suggested | |
TNVTP | TP1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
TOC | TR4 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
TOSNV | TR1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
CIVIL_CERT | Suggested | |
PROBATE | Suggested | |
TOSNVTP | TP1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
TOSTP | TP1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
TOSV | TR1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
CIVIL_CERT | Suggested | |
PROBATE | Suggested | |
TPS | TR2 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
CIVIL_CERT | Suggested | |
PROBATE | Suggested | |
TPSTP | TP2 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
TRC | CM5 | Either |
CM6 | Either | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
TRM | ADMIN_LTRS | Either |
PROBATE | Either | |
TR1 | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
CERT_DEATH | Suggested | |
COR_CERT | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
TSCNV | TR1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
CIVIL_CERT | Suggested | |
PROBATE | Suggested | |
TSCNVTP | TP1 | Compulsory |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
TSCTP | TP1 | Compulsory |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
TSCV | TR1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
DEATH_CERT | Suggested | |
CIVIL_CERT | Suggested | |
PROBATE | Suggested | |
TTP | TP1 | Compulsory |
COMP_DOC | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
PLAN | Suggested | |
SDLT | Suggested | |
LTT | Suggested | |
TVR | TR1 | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
TVRTP | TP1 | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
FORM_JO | Suggested | |
UNN | UN1 | Compulsory |
DEED | Suggested | |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
COURT_ORD | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
UPT | UT1 | Compulsory |
EVIDENCE | Suggested | |
REVERS_INT | Suggested | |
K17_OR_K18 | Suggested | |
CONSENT | Suggested | |
CONVEYANCE | Suggested | |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
LEASE | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
VC | VAR_CHARGE | Compulsory |
CONV_CERT | Suggested | |
POA | Suggested | |
VLAN | AN1 | Compulsory |
COURT_ORD | Either | |
VAR_LEASE | Either | |
SIDE_LTR | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
VLAP | COURT_ORD | Either |
VAR_LEASE | Either | |
SIDE_LTR | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
VLUN | UN1 | Compulsory |
COURT_ORD | Either | |
VAR_LEASE | Either | |
SIDE_LTR | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
VO | COURT_ORD | Compulsory |
VOC | COURT_ORD | Either |
VAR_COV | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
VOCA | AN1 | Compulsory |
COURT_ORD | Either | |
VAR_COV | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
VOCU | UN1 | Compulsory |
COURT_ORD | Either | |
VAR_COV | Either | |
POA | Suggested | |
VOE | VAR_EAS | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
VOEA | VAR_EAS | Compulsory |
AN1 | Compulsory | |
POA | Suggested | |
VOEU | VAR_EAS | Compulsory |
UN1 | Compulsory | |
POA | Suggested | |
WCT | WCT | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested | |
WDR | RX4 | Compulsory |
POA | Suggested |
Valid transaction types per application type
For each application type (i.e one of REGISTER_UPDATE
), only certain
transaction types can be supplied. The sections below detail which transaction types are valid for each application type.
- First notice of adverse possessionADV2
- Adverse possession: notificationAGN
- Agreed notice (AN1)APLC
- Appointment of liquidator (creditor’s voluntary winding up)APLCO
- Appointment of liquidator (compulsory winding up)APLM
- Appointment of liquidator (members’ voluntary winding up)APR
- Apportionment of rentAPT
- Appointment of new trusteeASTC
- Assent of chargeASTT
- AssentATP
- Amendment to title planAUN
- Amendment of unilateral notice (UN3)BKN
- Bankruptcy notice/Creditors’ noticeBKR
- Bankruptcy restriction/Bankruptcy inhibitionC
- ChargeCAG
- Cancellation of notice (not unilateral) (CN1)CANI
- Cancellation of inhibition (RX3)CANR
- Cancellation of restriction (RX3)CANU
- Cancellation of unilateral notice (UN4)CBKN
- Cancellation of bankruptcy noticeCBKR
- Cancellation of bankruptcy restrictionCCT
- Cancellation of a caution (CCD)CH2
- Obligation to make further advances (CH2)CH3
- Agreed maximum amount of security (CH3)CHOA
- Charging order - Agreed notice (AN1)CHOU
- Charging order - Unilateral notice (UN1)CHR
- Cancellation of home rights (HR4)CN
- Change of nameCNC
- Change of name - chargeeCNL
- Cancellation of an unregistered noted lease (CN1)COA
- Change of address for serviceCOAC
- Change of address for service - chargeeCON
- Consolidation of chargeCOP
- Charge of partCPD
- Change of property descriptionCPVK
- Compulsory purchase (property value known)CTD
- Commonhold transitional dealingCUR
- Cancellation of notice of unregistered RentchargeDB
- Determined boundary (DB)DCLN
- Disclaimer - notificationDCLV
- Disclaimer - noticeDFL1
- New lease - otherDFT
- Defect in title s64(1) LRA 2002DIS
- Discharge of chargeDJP
- Death of a joint proprietorDL
- Discontinuous lease - non-timeshareDMR
- Disapplication of restriction (RX2)DOG
- Deed of grant of easementDP
- Discharge of partDSP
- Death of a sole proprietorJP1
- Removal of default Form A restrictionLCATCO
- Lease closure - of assured tenancies following court orderLCBD
- Lease closure - by disclaimerLCBET
- Lease closure - by effluxion of timeLCBN
- Lease closure - by noticeLCF
- Lease closure - forfeitureLCMRE
- Lease closure - merger with reversionary estateLCOE
- Lease closure - on enlargementLCOF
- Lease closure - on frustrationLCSD
- Lease closure - surrender by deed (not for value or reverse premium)LCSDM
- Lease closure - surrender by deedLCSDMWT
- Lease closure - surrender by deed (together with transfer)LCSDWT
- Lease closure - surrender by deed with a transfer (not for value or reverse premium)LCSOL
- Lease closure - surrender by operation of law (not for value or reverse premium)LCSOLM
- Lease closure - surrender by operation of lawMDR
- Modification of RestrictionNCT
- Caution amendmentNDC
- Notification of dissolution of companyNFR
- Noting of an affecting franchiseNOE
- Noting an easementNOL
- Noting a leaseNPR
- Noting of a profitNRT
- Notice of rentchargePC
- Postponement of chargePRO
- ProvisionsRC
- Restrictive covenants - entry ofRFN
- Deed of rectificationRHR
- Renewal of home rights (HR2)RNT
- Overriding lease granted under s.19ROCA
- Release of covenants - agreed notice (AN1)ROCC
- Release of covenants - cancellation (CN1)ROCU
- Release of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1)ROE
- Release of easementsRRD
- Removal of a right to determineRTM
- Acquisition of right to manageRUN
- Removal of unilateral notice (UN2)RXL
- Form ll restriction entered - simple requestRXN
- Restriction (non-standard wording) (RX1)RXS
- Restriction (standard wording) (RX1)SBC
- Sub chargeSHO
- Shared ownership - additional shareSJT
- Severance of joint tenancy (SEV)STVC
- Statutory vestings chargeSTVL
- Statutory vestings landT
- Transfer for valueTNV
- Transfer (not for value or reverse premium)TOC
- Transfer of chargeTOSNV
- Transfer of share (not for value or reverse premium)TOSV
- Transfer of share for valueTPS
- Transfer under power of saleTRC
- Termination of commonholdTRM
- Transfer by operation of law on deathTSCNV
- Transfer subject to a charge (not for value or reverse premium)TSCV
- Transfer subject to a charge for valueTVR
- Transfer for value RTB/RTAUNN
- Unilateral notice (UN1)UPT
- Upgrade class of title (UT1)VC
- Variation of chargeVLAN
- Variation of lease - agreed notice (AN1)VLAP
- Deed of variation of a lease - not increasing the term of or adding new land to the extent demisedVLUN
- Variation of lease - unilateral notice (UN1)VO
- Vesting orderVOC
- Variation of covenantsVOCA
- Variation of covenants - agreed notice (AN1)VOCU
- Variation of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1)VOE
- Variation of easementsVOEA
- Variation of easements - agreed notice (AN1)VOEU
- Variation of easements - unilateral notice (UN1)WCT
- Withdrawal of cautionWDR
- Withdraw a restriction (RX4)
- First notice of adverse possessionADV2
- Adverse possession: notificationAGN
- Agreed notice (AN1)APLM
- Appointment of liquidator (members’ voluntary winding up)APR
- Apportionment of rentASSTTP
- Assent (Transfer of Part)C
- ChargeCAG
- Cancellation of notice (not unilateral) (CN1)CANI
- Cancellation of inhibition (RX3)CANR
- Cancellation of restriction (RX3)CANU
- Cancellation of unilateral notice (UN4)CBKN
- Cancellation of bankruptcy noticeCBKR
- Cancellation of bankruptcy restrictionCCT
- Cancellation of a caution (CCD)CH2
- Obligation to make further advances (CH2)CH3
- Agreed maximum amount of security (CH3)CHOA
- Charging order - Agreed notice (AN1)CHOU
- Charging order - Unilateral notice (UN1)CHR
- Cancellation of home rights (HR4)CNL
- Cancellation of an unregistered noted lease (CN1)CON
- Consolidation of chargeCOP
- Charge of partCPVU
- Compulsory purchase (property value unknown)CTD
- Commonhold transitional dealingCUR
- Cancellation of notice of unregistered RentchargeDB
- Determined boundary (DB)DCLN
- Disclaimer - notificationDFL1
- New lease - otherDFT
- Defect in title s64(1) LRA 2002DIS
- Discharge of chargeDL
- Discontinuous lease - non-timeshareDMR
- Disapplication of restriction (RX2)DOG
- Deed of grant of easementDP
- Discharge of partDSP
- Death of a sole proprietorLCATCO
- Lease closure - of assured tenancies following court orderLCBD
- Lease closure - by disclaimerLCBET
- Lease closure - by effluxion of timeLCF
- Lease closure - forfeitureLCSDWT
- Lease closure - surrender by deed with a transfer (not for value or reverse premium)LCSOL
- Lease closure - surrender by operation of law (not for value or reverse premium)LCSOLM
- Lease closure - surrender by operation of lawMDR
- Modification of RestrictionNFR
- Noting of an affecting franchiseNOE
- Noting an easementNPR
- Noting of a profitNRT
- Notice of rentchargePRO
- ProvisionsRC
- Restrictive covenants - entry ofRFN
- Deed of rectificationRNT
- Overriding lease granted under s.19ROCC
- Release of covenants - cancellation (CN1)ROCU
- Release of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1)ROE
- Release of easementsRRD
- Removal of a right to determineRUN
- Removal of unilateral notice (UN2)RXL
- Form ll restriction entered - simple requestRXN
- Restriction (non-standard wording) (RX1)RXS
- Restriction (standard wording) (RX1)SBC
- Sub chargeSJT
- Severance of joint tenancy (SEV)STVC
- Statutory vestings chargeSTVL
- Statutory vestings landTNVTP
- Transfer (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)TOSNVTP
- Transfer of share (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)TOSTP
- Transfer of share for value (Transfer of part)TPSTP
- Transfer under power of sale (Transfer of part)TRC
- Termination of commonholdTSCNVTP
- Transfer subject to a charge (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)TSCTP
- Transfer subject to a charge for value (Transfer of part)TTP
- Transfer for value (Transfer of part)TVRTP
- Transfer for value RTB/RTA (Transfer of part)UNN
- Unilateral notice (UN1)UPT
- Upgrade class of title (UT1)VC
- Variation of chargeVLAN
- Variation of lease - agreed notice (AN1)VLAP
- Deed of variation of a lease - not increasing the term of or adding new land to the extent demisedVLUN
- Variation of lease - unilateral notice (UN1)VO
- Vesting orderVOC
- Variation of covenantsVOCA
- Variation of covenants - agreed notice (AN1)VOCU
- Variation of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1)VOE
- Variation of easementsVOEA
- Variation of easements - agreed notice (AN1)VOEU
- Variation of easements - unilateral notice (UN1)WCT
- Withdrawal of cautionWDR
- Withdraw a restriction (RX4)
New Leases
- First notice of adverse possessionAGN
- Agreed notice (AN1)AUN
- Amendment of unilateral notice (UN3)BKR
- Bankruptcy restriction/Bankruptcy inhibitionC
- ChargeCAG
- Cancellation of notice (not unilateral) (CN1)CANI
- Cancellation of inhibition (RX3)CANR
- Cancellation of restriction (RX3)CANU
- Cancellation of unilateral notice (UN4)CBKN
- Cancellation of bankruptcy noticeCBKR
- Cancellation of bankruptcy restrictionCCT
- Cancellation of a caution (CCD)CH2
- Obligation to make further advances (CH2)CH3
- Agreed maximum amount of security (CH3)CHOA
- Charging order - Agreed notice (AN1)CHOU
- Charging order - Unilateral notice (UN1)CHR
- Cancellation of home rights (HR4)CN
- Change of nameCNC
- Change of name - chargeeCNL
- Cancellation of an unregistered noted lease (CN1)COA
- Change of address for serviceCOAC
- Change of address for service - chargeeCOP
- Charge of partCUR
- Cancellation of notice of unregistered RentchargeDCLV
- Disclaimer - noticeDFL1
- New lease - otherDFL3
- New lease - shared ownershipDFL4
- New lease - right to buy or right to acquireDFT
- Defect in title s64(1) LRA 2002DIS
- Discharge of chargeDJP
- Death of a joint proprietorDMR
- Disapplication of restriction (RX2)DOG
- Deed of grant of easementDP
- Discharge of partDSP
- Death of a sole proprietorDTL
- Discontinuous lease - timeshareHR
- Notice of home rights (HR1)LCBD
- Lease closure - by disclaimerLCBN
- Lease closure - by noticeLCF
- Lease closure - forfeitureLCMRE
- Lease closure - merger with reversionary estateLCOE
- Lease closure - on enlargementLCSD
- Lease closure - surrender by deed (not for value or reverse premium)LCSDM
- Lease closure - surrender by deedLCSDMWT
- Lease closure - surrender by deed (together with transfer)LCSOL
- Lease closure - surrender by operation of law (not for value or reverse premium)MDR
- Modification of RestrictionNDC
- Notification of dissolution of companyNFR
- Noting of an affecting franchiseNOL
- Noting a leaseNPR
- Noting of a profitNRT
- Notice of rentchargePC
- Postponement of chargePER
- Personal covenantsPRO
- ProvisionsRC
- Restrictive covenants - entry ofRFN
- Deed of rectificationRHR
- Renewal of home rights (HR2)RNT
- Overriding lease granted under s.19ROCA
- Release of covenants - agreed notice (AN1)ROCC
- Release of covenants - cancellation (CN1)ROCU
- Release of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1)ROE
- Release of easementsRRD
- Removal of a right to determineRUN
- Removal of unilateral notice (UN2)RXN
- Restriction (non-standard wording) (RX1)RXS
- Restriction (standard wording) (RX1)SBC
- Sub chargeSJT
- Severance of joint tenancy (SEV)UNN
- Unilateral notice (UN1)UPT
- Upgrade class of title (UT1)VC
- Variation of chargeVLAN
- Variation of lease - agreed notice (AN1)VLAP
- Deed of variation of a lease - not increasing the term of or adding new land to the extent demisedVLUN
- Variation of lease - unilateral notice (UN1)VOC
- Variation of covenantsVOCA
- Variation of covenants - agreed notice (AN1)VOCU
- Variation of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1)VOE
- Variation of easementsVOEA
- Variation of easements - agreed notice (AN1)VOEU
- Variation of easements - unilateral notice (UN1)WCT
- Withdrawal of cautionWDR
- Withdraw a restriction (RX4)
Lease extensions
For a lease extension application, the DFL5
(Dispositionary first lease extension of a term) transaction type must be used.
- First notice of adverse possessionAGN
- Agreed notice (AN1)APLC
- Appointment of liquidator (creditor’s voluntary winding up)APLCO
- Appointment of liquidator (compulsory winding up)APLM
- Appointment of liquidator (members’ voluntary winding up)AUN
- Amendment of unilateral notice (UN3)C
- ChargeCAG
- Cancellation of notice (not unilateral) (CN1)CANI
- Cancellation of inhibition (RX3)CANR
- Cancellation of restriction (RX3)CANU
- Cancellation of unilateral notice (UN4)CBKN
- Cancellation of bankruptcy noticeCBKR
- Cancellation of bankruptcy restrictionCCT
- Cancellation of a caution (CCD)CH3
- Agreed maximum amount of security (CH3)CHOA
- Charging order - Agreed notice (AN1)CHOU
- Charging order - Unilateral notice (UN1)CHR
- Cancellation of home rights (HR4)CN
- Change of nameCNC
- Change of name - chargeeCNL
- Cancellation of an unregistered noted lease (CN1)COP
- Charge of partCUR
- Cancellation of notice of unregistered RentchargeDCLN
- Disclaimer - notificationDCLV
- Disclaimer - noticeDFL1
- New lease - otherDFL5
- Dispositionary first lease extension of a termDFT
- Defect in title s64(1) LRA 2002DIS
- Discharge of chargeDJP
- Death of a joint proprietorDL
- Discontinuous lease - non-timeshareDMR
- Disapplication of restriction (RX2)DOG
- Deed of grant of easementDP
- Discharge of partDSP
- Death of a sole proprietorEXR
- Extinguishment of rentchargeLCBD
- Lease closure - by disclaimerNRT
- Notice of rentchargePRO
- ProvisionsRFN
- Deed of rectificationRNT
- Overriding lease granted under s.19ROCC
- Release of covenants - cancellation (CN1)ROCU
- Release of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1)ROE
- Release of easementsRRD
- Removal of a right to determineRUN
- Removal of unilateral notice (UN2)RXN
- Restriction (non-standard wording) (RX1)RXS
- Restriction (standard wording) (RX1)SBC
- Sub chargeSTVC
- Statutory vestings chargeSTVL
- Statutory vestings landUNN
- Unilateral notice (UN1)UPT
- Upgrade class of title (UT1)VC
- Variation of chargeVLAN
- Variation of lease - agreed notice (AN1)VLUN
- Variation of lease - unilateral notice (UN1)VO
- Vesting orderVOC
- Variation of covenantsVOCA
- Variation of covenants - agreed notice (AN1)VOCU
- Variation of covenants - unilateral notice (UN1)VOE
- Variation of easementsVOEA
- Variation of easements - agreed notice (AN1)VOEU
- Variation of easements - unilateral notice (UN1)WDR
- Withdraw a restriction (RX4)
The only valid transaction type for the REMOVE_JP1
application type is JP1
. This must be the only transaction, and there must
only be a single JP1
transaction per application.
Transaction details
For certain transaction types, more detailed information is needed (via the Transaction.details
field). This field can be
one of a number of different types:
The data below details which transactions require which details type. If a transaction is not listed, it does not require additional details.
- Transfer for valueTNV
- Transfer (not for value or reverse premium)TOSNV
- Transfer of share (not for value or reverse premium)TSCNV
- Transfer subject to a charge (not for value or reverse premium)TSCV
- Transfer subject to a charge for value
- ChargeCOP
- Charge of partSBC
- Sub charge
- DischargeDP
- Discharge of part
- AssentASTC
- Assent of chargeAPT
- Appointment of new trusteeASSTTP
- Assent (Transfer of part)CPVK
- Compulsory purchase (property value known)CPVU
- Compulsory purchase (property value unknown)DFL1
- New lease - otherDFL3
- New lease - shared ownershipDFL4
- New lease - right to buy or right to acquireDFL5
- Dispositionary first lease extension of a termDL
- Discontinuous lease - non-timeshareDTL
- Discontinuous lease - timeshareLCSD
- Lease closure - surrender by deed (not for value or reverse premium)LCSDM
- Lease closure - surrender by deedLCSDWT
- Lease closure - surrender by deed with a transfer (not for value or reverse premium)LCSDMWT
- Lease closure - surrender by deed (together with transfer)LCSOL
- Lease closure - surrender by operation of law (not for value or reverse premium)LCSOLM
- Lease closure - surrender by operation of lawRNT
- Overriding lease granted under s.19, Landlord & Tenant (Covenants) Act 1995TNVTP
- Transfer (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)TOC
- Transfer of chargeTOSNVTP
- Transfer of share (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)TOSTP
- Transfer of share for value (Transfer of part)TOSV
- Transfer of share for valueTPS
- Transfer under power of saleTPSTP
- Transfer under power of sale (Transfer of part)TRM
- Transfer by operation of law on deathTSCNVTP
- Transfer subject to a charge (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)TSCTP
- Transfer subject to a charge for value (Transfer of part)TTP
- Transfer for value (Transfer of part)TVR
- Transfer for value RTB/RTATVRTP
- Transfer for value RTB/RTA (Transfer of part)VO
- Vesting order
Title types
Titles included as part of submission have a type
field that informs HMLR how to process the application. This type depends on the
application type, and the usage of the title within the application.
application types
Only title types of REGISTER_TITLE
are supported
application types
The following title types are supported:
- titles related to the transferor(s) on the applicationADDITIONAL_TITLE
- any other titles on the application
application types
The following title types are supported:
- titles related to the landlord(s) on the applicationADDITIONAL_TITLE
- any other titles on the application
For a lease extension application (where the transaction type is DFL5
- Dispositionary first lease extension of a term) a single title with type TENANT_TITLE
must also be provided, which is related to the tenant on the application
Change of name / Death of a joint proprietor (DJP)
HMLR will accept Transfers where the proprietor information does not match the register (in the case of a change of name, or a death of a joint proprietor) without needing to specify the relevant transactions, so long as the correct identity documentation has been supplied with the accompanying transaction(s).
To trigger this functionality, the register_action
field on the party
object can be used. This field
has two options:
- The party information is different to the currently held register informationREMOVE
- The party on the register should be removed
A value of amend will trigger a change of name transaction to be created internally. The party information must be the new proprietor information. Identity evidence must be provided as documents on the Transfer.
"parties": {
"party1": {
"details": {
"forenames": "New",
"surname": "Doe"
"register_action": "AMEND",
"identity_evidence_type": "EVIDENCE",
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"addresses": "ADDR1",
"address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS"
A value of remove will trigger a DJP transaction to be created internally. The party information must be the existing proprietor information. Identity evidence must be provided as documents on the Transfer.
"party1": {
"details": {
"forenames": "existing",
"surname": "doe"
"register_action": "REMOVE",
"identity_evidence_type": "EVIDENCE",
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"addresses": "ADDR1",
"address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS"
"party2": {
"details": {
"forenames": "jane",
"surname": "doe"
"identity_evidence_type": "EVIDENCE",
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"addresses": "ADDR1",
"address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS"
List of validation rules
During application submission, several validation rules will run against the data provided to ensure it is valid. A number of these rules run synchronously before an
is returned and they are documented in the schema documentation. Other rules run asynchronously, after the application_request_id
has been returned.
Additional provisions validation
One of the following Additional Provision options must be selected:
- No provisions
- Manual TR1 form
- Details entered
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Applicant validation
Applicant name must be present using the English alphabet. Applicant must not have a party type of UNKNOWN
Applicant validation error types
Error type | Description |
applicant-not-unknown-type |
Applicants must not have a party type of UNKNOWN . |
Borrower name validation
Customer provided names must match the names in the charge deed. If the borrower is a registered proprietor the customer provided names must match the register. If they do not then relevant evidence needs to be attached.
Borrower name validation error types
Error type | Description |
all-proprietors-matched-to-borrowers |
Can apply to one of the following:
Borrower representation validation
Representation is always required for the borrower role type.
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Borrower validation
For a charge, borrower names must be present.
Borrower validation error types
Error type | Description |
transaction-has-valid-borrower |
Subcharge transactions or charge transactions unaccompanied by a transfer transaction must have a borrower |
Charge amount validation
Must be a positive number.
Charge amount error types
Error type | Description |
charge-must-have-non-negative-value |
Charge value must be non-negative. |
Charge date validation
Charge date must be present and not a date in the future. Customer provided date must match the date in the charge deed
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Consideration type validation
The request must contain the appropriate statement - Monetary Value, No Monetary Value, or Other. Monetary Value requires a value to be present.
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Conveyancers certificate validation
Checks that the conveyancers_certificate
field is set for any document of type CERT_REG_CH
Conveyancers certificate validation error types
Error type | Description |
conveyancers-certificate-provided |
Conveyancers certificate was not provided for Certificate of registration issued by Companies House documents |
Customer type validation
Customer type of conveyancer or non-conveyancer must be present.
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Declaration of trust validation
The declaration of trust field must include one of the following options:
- Joint tenants
- Tenants in Common
- Trust Details
- Form JO
For option three, details must be provided. For option four, HMLR form JO must be provided as an attachment
Declaration of trust validation error types
Error type | Description |
declaration-of-trust |
The declaration of trust option must be provided for the application. |
Disclosable overriding interests validation
When disclosable_overriding_interests
is set to true
on any transaction, a FORM_DI
document must be provided with the application.
Disclosable overriding interests validation error types
Error type | Description |
di-form-required |
A Disclosable Overriding Interests (DI) Form is required but has not been provided |
Evidence of consent to restriction validation
Evidence of consent to a restriction should be provided where required. If it is not provided a requisition will be sent.
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Evidence of discharge validation
If evidence of discharge is not provided and early completion cannot be applied, a requisition will be sent.
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Identity evidence validation
An HMLR identity form must be provided for each unrepresented party when required - see Practice Guide 67.
Identity evidence validation error types
Error type | Description |
identity-evidence-has-type |
One of the following options must be provided:
required-identity-evidence-provided |
An HMLR identity form must be provided for each unrepresented party |
Identity type validation
One of the following options must be selected:
- Lodging Conveyancer
- Other Conveyancer
- Not Represented
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Lender address validation
Lender address not required if valid MD reference provided. If the charge does not have an MD reference a full postal address for the lender is required.
Lender address validation error types
Error type | Description |
charge-has-valid-lender |
The lender has an invalid address for service when an MD reference was not provided |
Lender name validation
The pre-approved MD reference included in the charge should be included in the application.
Lender name validation error types
Error type | Description |
unique-lender |
Each charge should only have one lender |
lender-name-matches-records |
The lender name provided in the application data must match that recorded for the lender in our MD reference database |
no-duplicate-lender-refs-on-charge |
Lender references must be unique |
Lender validation
All charges require at least one party with role type of lender. If there is no MDRef on the transaction, all lenders must have at least one address.
Lender validation error types
Error type | Description |
charge-has-valid-lender |
There are no lenders on the charge application |
Mandatory documents validation
Validation will be applied for each transaction to ensure that the rules regarding the “Compulsory” and “Either” document types have been satisfied correctly
Mandatory documents validation error types
Error type | Description |
all-mandatory-documents-provided |
Each transaction must have the mandatory deed or document provided |
MD reference validation
The MD reference included in the application must be in the right format, exist as a live MD reference and match the MD ref contained in the charge.
MD reference validation error types
Error type | Description |
mdref-on-record |
The MD reference supplied cannot be found in our database. |
Property address validation
HMLR property description associated with customer supplied title number will be compared against the property description contained in the charge and/or transfer deeds
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Proprietor address for service validation
Proprietor address for service must be a valid postal address. The customer provided address will be validated.
Proprietor address for service validation error types
Error type | Description |
address-for-service-option-is-valid |
The address for service option provided for the party is invalid. |
Submission warning validation
A legal declaration is made when submitting an application with regards dishonesty etc. The conveyancer must agree to comply with the warning.
Submission warning validation error types
Error type | Description |
submission-warning-understood |
A legal declaration is made when submitting an application with regards dishonesty etc. The conveyancer must agree to comply with the warning. |
Title number validation
The title number in the application must be valid. The title number provided must also match with one of the attached deeds. For multi title applications please provide each title once.
Title number validation error types
Error type | Description |
request-has-title-number |
At least one title number must be provided (including applications for New Lease, Lease Extension or Transfer of Part. In these circumstances, at least a lessor’s or vendor’s title will be required). |
request-has-title-number |
Title number not matched to HMLR systems |
title-must-be-valid |
Can apply to one of the following:
Title scope validation
Application of whole or part must be provided for each title number within a transaction.
Title scope validation error types
Error type | Description |
title-scope-is-valid |
Can apply to one of the following:
Transaction priority validation
Transactions are applied for in priority order, for example:
- Discharge
- Transfer
- Charge
Each must have a unique, consecutive number.
Transaction priority validation error types
Error type | Description |
OCV_L1A_005 |
Non unique transaction priorities were found |
Transfer amount validation
Value must be provided, either as an exact value or a value band (where transfer is not for monetary value).
Error types for this validator will be provided at a later date.
Transfer date validation
The transfer date must match what is on the transfer deed to be correct.
Transfer date validation error types
Error type | Description |
transfer-date-not-in-future |
The date of the transfer must not be in the future |
Transferee validation
The transferee name provided in the application must match the transferee name in the transfer deed. Proprietor address for service must be a valid postal address, customer provided address will be validated. If overseas must have country.
Transferee validation error types
Error type | Description |
transfer-has-transferee |
A transfer involves a change of proprietor(s). If making an application for a transfer, there must be at least one transferee. |
transferee-has-valid-address |
At least one postal address must be provided in the application. |
Transferor validation
For a transfer, there must be at least one transferor name without the register action of REMOVE
Transferor validation error types
Error type | Description |
transfer-has-transferors |
A transfer involves a change of proprietor(s). If making an application for a transfer, there must be at least one transferor. |
Bypassing validation
If an application fails validation, there may be legitimate reasons why you might want HMLR to ignore specific rules.
In this case, we provide a bypass_validation
array that can be used to ignore specific validation rules for specific objects, as
defined by the pointer
. Usage of validation bypass will be monitored.
To use the bypass functionality, four bits of information are required:
- the type of validation rule you want to bypass. This is returned in thetype
field from any validation error.validation_pointer
- the location of the object in the payload structure. This is returned in thepointer
field from some validation errors.reason
- the specific reason the bypass was required. Must be one of:DISAGREE_WITH_REGISTER
- the validation rule is incorrect because the data on the register is incorrectHMLR_DATA_INCORRECT_OR_OUTDATED
- there is missing, outdated or incorrect data in a comparison databaseEXCEPTION_NOT_COVERED_BY_BUSINESS_RULES
- the application is valid, an exception should apply but is not covered by current business rules
- a user inputted description of why the validation is being bypassed.
Bypassing validation can only be done for specific rules, and each rule is only permitted to have specific reasons for bypassing the validation. The information about which validation types support bypassing and which reasons are valid for those types are defined below:
Validation type | Valid bypass reasons |
all-proprietors-matched-to-borrowers |
lender-name-matches-records |
mdref-on-record |
all-proprietors-matched-to-transferors |
transferee-has-a-valid-address |
all-mandatory-documents-provided |
identity-evidence-has-type |
For an example; if after submitting an application the following error was received:
"errors": [
"type": "all-proprietors-matched-to-borrowers",
"detail": "There was a problem",
"pointer": "/data/parties/borrower-1"
The validation rule could then be overridden by submitting the same payload, but with the following addition:
"data": {
"bypass_validation": [
"validation_type": "all-proprietors-matched-to-borrowers",
"validation_pointer": "/data/parties/borrower-1",
"comment": "A comment about why the validation was incorrect"
"addresses": {...},
"parties": {...},
// etc.
This would resubmit the application, but this time ignoring the validation rule for the specific field identified by the pointer.
Value bands
Value bands specify the approximate value of a property, or the equity being transferred, where the full
value is not known. The value band fields can be found on the Transfer
and AmountDetails
in the API specification.
The valid value bands are as follows (in pounds):
: 0,upper_band
: 100,000lower_band
: 100,001,upper_band
: 200,000lower_band
: 200,001,upper_band
: 500,000lower_band
: 500,001,upper_band
: 1,000,000lower_band
: 1,000,001,upper_band
Value bands are only applicable to the following transaction types:
- Appointment of new trusteeASTT
- AssentASSTTP
- Assent (Transfer of part)TNV
- Transfer (not for value or reverse premium)TNVTP
- Transfer (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)TOSNV
- Transfer of share (not for value or reverse premium)TSCNVTP
- Transfer of share (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)TRM
- Transfer by operation of law on deathTSCNV
- Transfer subject to a charge (not for value or reverse premium)TSCNVTP
- Transfer subject to a charge (not for value or reverse premium) (Transfer of part)VO
- Vesting order
There are several rules regarding value band usage:
- Both
(i.e. value of equity being transferred) andfull_value_of_property
must be either value bands, or exact values. - The
must be greater than or equal to thevalue_band
(i.e. the value of equity being transferred)
"transactions": {
"transaction-1": {
"type": "TNV",
"details": {
"type": "transfer",
"value_band": {
"lower_value_band": 100001,
"upper_value_band": 200000
"outstanding_charge": 0,
"full_value_of_property_band": {
"lower_value_band": 200001,
"upper_value_band": 500000
"title_numbers": [...]
Example requests and responses
"data": [
"notification_id": "7788bfb3-02f2-4c9b-be58-94e9df010ac8",
"created_datetime": "2025-02-25T16:17:19.120585661Z",
"payload_schema": "",
"notification_type": "APPLICATION_ACCEPTED_ON_DAY_LIST",
"subject": "3d4b51cf-76ab-40ad-9b09-099323034adf",
"event_datetime": "2025-02-20T09:06:29.120585661Z",
"status": "NEW",
"payload": {
"data": {
"priority": "2025-02-20T09:06:29.04",
"hmlr_reference": "A123ABR"
"data": [
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"created_datetime": "2025-02-25T16:17:19.120585661Z",
"payload_schema": "",
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"event_datetime": "2025-02-20T09:06:29.120585661Z",
"status": "NEW",
"payload": {
"data": {
POST - /v0/applications
- Charge
"data": {
"submission_warning_understood": true,
"customer_reference": "MyApplication",
"application_lodger": {
"email": "",
"telephone": "07000000000",
"addresses": {
"borrower-address-1": {
"details": {
"type": "UK",
"number": "1",
"postcode": "AA1 00Z"
"applicants": [
"documents": {
"mortgage-deed": {
"document_id": "0001",
"document_metadata": {
"certification_statement_type": "CERTIFIED",
"document_filename": "deed.pdf"
"type": "MRTG_DEED"
"parties": {
"borrower-1": {
"address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS",
"addresses": [
"details": {
"forenames": "Alice",
"surname": "Smith"
"identity_evidence_type": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER"
"lender-1": {
"address_for_service_option": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"identity_evidence_type": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"details": {
"type": "UK_COMPANY",
"company_number": "543252345",
"organisation_name": "A. Bank"
"representation_type": "NOT_REPRESENTED"
"titles": {
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"title_number": "TN001",
"title_type": "REGISTER_TITLE",
"disclosable_overriding_interests": false,
"scope_details": {
"scope": "WHOLE"
"transactions": {
"C1": {
"type": "C",
"fee_in_pence": 100,
"priority": 1,
"details": {
"type": "CHARGE",
"date": "2024-01-01",
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"documents": [
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"title_references": [
POST - /v0/applications
- Transfer
"data": {
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"application_lodger": {
"email": "",
"telephone": "07000000000",
"applicants": [
"addresses": {
"transferor-address-1": {
"details": {
"type": "UK",
"building_description": "1",
"post_town": "Fake Town",
"postcode": "AA1 00Z"
"transferee-address-1": {
"details": {
"type": "UK",
"building_description": "2",
"post_town": "Fake Town",
"postcode": "AA1 00Z"
"parties": {
"transferor-1": {
"reference": "transferor-1",
"addresses": [
"details": {
"forenames": "Jane",
"surname": "Doe"
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS"
"transferor-2": {
"reference": "transferor-2",
"details": {
"forenames": "John",
"surname": "Doe"
"addresses": [
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS"
"transferee-1": {
"reference": "transferee-1",
"details": {
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"company_number": "123456"
"addresses": [
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"lender-1": {
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"details": {
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"titles": {
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"title_type": "REGISTER_TITLE",
"disclosable_overriding_interests": false,
"scope_details": {
"scope": "WHOLE"
"tn2": {
"title_number": "TN002",
"title_type": "REGISTER_TITLE",
"disclosable_overriding_interests": false,
"scope_details": {
"scope": "PART",
"part_description": "The field on the north side of the property"
"transactions": {
"dis": {
"type": "DIS",
"fee_in_pence": 0,
"priority": 1,
"details": {
"type": "DISCHARGE",
"discharge_submission_type": "ATTACHED"
"party_roles": [
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"title_references": [
"documents": [
"transfer": {
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"priority": 2,
"details": {
"type": "TRANSFER",
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"date": "2024-01-01",
"value": 500000,
"consideration_type": "MONETARY_VALUE",
"consideration_description": "Value of 500000 including VAT",
"title_guarantee_code": "FULL",
"trust_declaration_type": "JOINT_TENANTS"
"party_roles": [
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"role": "TRANSFEROR",
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"title_references": [
"documents": [
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"details": {
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"date": "2024-01-01",
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"documents": [
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"title_references": [
"documents": {
"tr1": {
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"document_id": "00001",
"document_metadata": {
"certification_statement_type": "CERTIFIED",
"document_filename": "tr1.pdf"
"identity-evidence": {
"type": "EVIDENCE",
"document_id": "00002",
"document_metadata": {
"certification_statement_type": "CERTIFIED_BY_ANOTHER",
"document_filename": "evidence.pdf"
"discharge": {
"type": "DISCHARGE",
"document_id": "00003",
"document_metadata": {
"certification_statement_type": "CERTIFIED",
"document_filename": "discharge.pdf"
"mortgage-deed": {
"type": "MRTG_DEED",
"document_id": "00004",
"document_metadata": {
"certification_statement_type": "CERTIFIED_BY_ANOTHER",
"document_filename": "deed.pdf"
POST - /v0/applications
- Transfer of Part
"data": {
"customer_reference": "tp-not-for-value",
"submission_warning_understood": true,
"application_lodger": {
"email": "",
"telephone": "07000000000",
"addresses": {
"transferor-address-1": {
"details": {
"type": "UK",
"building_description": "1",
"post_town": "Fake Town",
"postcode": "AA1 00Z"
"transferee-address-1": {
"details": {
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"building_description": "2",
"post_town": "Fake Town",
"postcode": "AA1 00Z"
"applicants": [
"parties": {
"transferor-1": {
"addresses": [
"details": {
"forenames": "Jane",
"surname": "Doe"
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS"
"transferee-1": {
"addresses": [
"details": {
"forenames": "John",
"surname": "Doe"
"representation_type": "OTHER_CONVEYANCER",
"other_conveyancer": {
"conveyancer_reference": "ABC123",
"full_name": "Mike Ross",
"registered_address": "1234 56th Street, New York, 10001"
"address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS"
"titles": {
"tn1": {
"title_number": "TN001",
"title_type": "TRANSFEROR_TITLE",
"disclosable_overriding_interests": false,
"scope_details": {
"scope": "PART",
"part_description": "The field on the north side of the property"
"transactions": {
"tnv": {
"type": "TNVTP",
"fee_in_pence": 45,
"priority": 1,
"details": {
"type": "TRANSFER",
"value_band": {
"lower_value_band": 100001,
"upper_value_band": 200000
"outstanding_charge": 0,
"full_value_of_property_band": {
"lower_value_band": 1000001
"date": "2024-01-01",
"title_guarantee_code": "LIMITED",
"consideration_type": "NO_MONETARY_VALUE",
"additional_provisions_code": "NO_PROVISIONS"
"documents": [
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"title_references": [
"documents": {
"tp-1": {
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"document_id": "00001",
"document_metadata": {
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"document_filename": "tp1.gif"
Test Stubs
Base URL:
1. Submit a Single Charge
Method: POST
Endpoint: /v0/applications
Authorization: <any-value>
Idempotency-Key: <any-value>
NOTE - The Idempotency Key should be unique for each request (this is not enforced by the stubs)
"data": {
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"applicants": [
"customer_reference": "CustomerRef",
"documents": {
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"document_metadata": {
"certification_statement_type": "CERTIFIED",
"document_filename": "Deed.pdf"
"application_lodger": {
"email": "",
"parties": {
"Borrower1": {
"address_for_service_option": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"details": {
"forenames": "Tony",
"surname": "Bonito"
"Borrower2": {
"address_for_service_option": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"details": {
"forenames": "Toni",
"surname": "Bonito"
"TheBank": {
"address_for_service_option": "NOT_REQUIRED",
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"details": {
"type": "UK_COMPANY",
"company_number": "12345",
"organisation_name": "Albion Home Loans Limited"
"titles": {
"MS305610": {
"disclosable_overriding_interests": "false",
"title_number": "MS305610",
"scope_details": {
"scope": "WHOLE",
"part_description": null
"title_type": "REGISTER_TITLE"
"transactions": {
"Charge": {
"details": {
"type": "CHARGE",
"date": "2024-01-01",
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"value": 120000
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"priority": 1,
"fee_in_pence": 3000,
"party_roles": [{
"party_reference": "Borrower1",
"role": "BORROWER"
}, {
"party_reference": "Borrower2",
"role": "BORROWER"
}, {
"party_reference": "TheBank",
"role": "LENDER"
"type": "C",
"title_references": ["MS305610"]
Status: 202
"data": {
"application_request_id": "b3ac19be-2b6d-4b8a-971c-e758b0e8e790"
2. Submit a Single Transfer
Method: POST
Endpoint: /v0/applications
Authorization: <any-value>
Idempotency-Key: <any-value>
NOTE - The Idempotency Key should be unique for each request (this is not enforced by the stubs)
"data": {
"submission_warning_understood": true,
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"addresses": {
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"department_name": null,
"sub_building_description": null,
"building_description": "Apartment 11",
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"double_dependent_locality": null,
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"postcode": "M1 1AE",
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"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"addresses": "transferee_address"
"Transferor1": {
"details": {
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"surname": "Bonito"
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"Transferor2": {
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"applicants": [
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"email": "",
"titles": {
"MS312531": {
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"title_number": "MS312531",
"scope_details": {
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"part_description": null
"title_type": "REGISTER_TITLE"
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"Transfer": {
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"role": "TRANSFEROR"
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"role": "TRANSFEROR"
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"title_references": [
Status: 202
"data": {
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3. Submit an Application with Level 1 Validation Errors
Method: POST
Endpoint: /v0/applications
Authorization: <any-value>
Idempotency-Key: <any-value>
NOTE - The Idempotency Key should be unique for each request (this is not enforced by the stubs)
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"customer_reference": "CustomerRef",
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"Borrower2": {
"representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
"details": {
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"TheBank": {
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"MS305610": {
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"title_number": "MS305610",
"scope_details": {
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"Charge": {
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"type": "CHARGE",
"date": "3000-01-01",
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"role": "LENDER"
"type": null
Status: 400
"type": "",
"title": "Bad Request",
"detail": "The request is invalid or malformed.",
"status": "400",
"errors": [
"type": "OCV_L1A_000",
"pointer": "/data/transactions/Charge/details/date",
"detail": "Date must be in the past or in the present"
"type": "OCV_L1A_000",
"pointer": "/data/type",
"detail": "Type must not be null"
4. Submit an Application with Level 2 Validation Errors
Method: POST
Endpoint: /v0/applications
Authorization: <any-value>
Idempotency-Key: <any-value>
NOTE - The Idempotency Key should be unique for each request (this is not enforced by the stubs)
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"Transferor2": {
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"titles": {
"MS312531": {
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"title_number": "MS312531",
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"part_description": null
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"Transfer": {
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"Charge": {
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"party_roles": [
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"title_references": ["MS312531"]
Status: 202
"data": {
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