Download OpenAPI specification:Download
V0.3 of the set of APIs for the new 'Submit an application to change the Land Register API' Schema
Submit an application API - Submit application creation requests for processing
Idempotency-Key required | string |
required | object (SubstantiveApplicationData) The data required to capture an application |
{- "data": {
- "addresses": {
- "property1": {
- "details": {
- "type": "UK",
- "care_of_name": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "service_number_rank": "string",
- "unit_regiment": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "details": {
- "type": "UK",
- "care_of_name": "string",
- "number": "string",
- "service_number_rank": "string",
- "unit_regiment": "string"
}, - "submission_warning_understood": true,
- "applicants": [
- "customer"
], - "bypass_validation": [
- {
- "validation_type": "string",
- "validation_pointer": "string",
- "comment": "string"
], - "customer_reference": "string",
- "documents": {
- "property1": {
- "companies_house_certification": true,
- "document_id": "string",
- "document_metadata": {
- "certification_statement_type": "CERTIFIED",
- "document_filename": "string"
}, - "type": "ABSTRACT"
}, - "property2": {
- "companies_house_certification": true,
- "document_id": "string",
- "document_metadata": {
- "certification_statement_type": "CERTIFIED",
- "document_filename": "string"
}, - "type": "ABSTRACT"
}, - "jp1_reference": "strings",
- "application_lodger": {
- "email": "string",
- "telephone": "string",
- "type": "CONVEYANCER"
}, - "parties": {
- "property1": {
- "address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS",
- "addresses": [
- "property address"
], - "identity_evidence_type": "EVIDENCE",
- "other_conveyancer": {
- "conveyancer_reference": "string",
- "full_name": "string",
- "registered_address": "string"
}, - "register_action": "AMEND",
- "representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
- "details": {
- "organisation_name": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "address_for_service_option": "PROVIDED_ADDRESS",
- "addresses": [
- "property address"
], - "identity_evidence_type": "EVIDENCE",
- "other_conveyancer": {
- "conveyancer_reference": "string",
- "full_name": "string",
- "registered_address": "string"
}, - "register_action": "AMEND",
- "representation_type": "LODGING_CONVEYANCER",
- "details": {
- "organisation_name": "string"
}, - "titles": {
- "property1": {
- "disclosable_overriding_interests": true,
- "scope_details": {
- "part_description": "string",
- "scope": "WHOLE"
}, - "title_number": "string",
- "title_type": "REGISTER_TITLE"
}, - "property2": {
- "disclosable_overriding_interests": true,
- "scope_details": {
- "part_description": "string",
- "scope": "WHOLE"
}, - "title_number": "string",
- "title_type": "REGISTER_TITLE"
}, - "transactions": {
- "property1": {
- "details": {
- "type": "string",
- "value": 0,
- "value_band": {
- "lower_value_band": 1,
- "upper_value_band": 100000
}, - "full_value_of_property_band": {
- "lower_value_band": 1,
- "upper_value_band": 100000
}, - "full_value_of_property": 0,
- "outstanding_charge": 0
}, - "documents": [
- "signed_charge"
], - "priority": 1,
- "fee_in_pence": 0,
- "relates_to_new_title": false,
- "party_roles": [
- {
- "party_reference": "customer",
- "role": "ATTORNEY"
], - "type": "ADV1",
- "title_references": [
- "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "details": {
- "type": "string",
- "value": 0,
- "value_band": {
- "lower_value_band": 1,
- "upper_value_band": 100000
}, - "full_value_of_property_band": {
- "lower_value_band": 1,
- "upper_value_band": 100000
}, - "full_value_of_property": 0,
- "outstanding_charge": 0
}, - "documents": [
- "signed_charge"
], - "priority": 1,
- "fee_in_pence": 0,
- "relates_to_new_title": false,
- "party_roles": [
- {
- "party_reference": "customer",
- "role": "ATTORNEY"
], - "type": "ADV1",
- "title_references": [
- "string"
}, - "type": "REGISTER_UPDATE",
- "additional_provider_filter": "string"
{- "data": {
- "application_request_id": "string"
Create an upload URL - Retrieve a generated document upload URL
required | object (DocumentUploadUrlData) The data needed to generate a URL to upload a document |
{- "data": {
- "document_type": "ABSTRACT",
- "additional_provider_filter": "string",
- "file_length": 1,
- "file_sha256": "stringstringstringstringstringstringstringst"
{- "data": {
- "upload_url": "string",
- "document_id": "string"
Upload a document - Upload the document contents. Note: This URL, including hostname and path parameters is returned from the create URL endpoint and should be used unmodified. The path and hostname given in the API specification here are examples only.
X-Amz-Checksum-Sha256 | string The base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the file contents. Must match both the document being uploaded and the value provided to the create URL endpoint. |
Content-Length | integer <int32> The length of the file in bytes. Must match both the document being uploaded and the value provided to the create URL endpoint. |
Application information API - Get the information about an application
application_request_id required | string The ID returned by Application Creation to track submission requests |
{- "data": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "type": "L2_MDREF_ERROR",
- "detail": "The MDref included in the request does not exist",
- "pointer": [
- "/data/transaction/t1/mdref"
], - "hmlr_reference": "string",
- "priority_timestamp": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "application_request_id": "string",
- "status": "VALIDATING",
- "calculated_fees": {
- "total_fee": 0,
- "per_transaction": [
- {
- "transaction_reference": "property charge",
- "fee": 0
}, - "warnings": [
- "string"
Receive notifications API - Get any unacknowledged notifications
created_before | string <date-time> |
created_after | string <date-time> |
status | string Enum: "NEW" "ACKNOWLEDGED" |
occured_before | string <date-time> |
occured_after | string <date-time> |
notification_type | string |
subject | string |
additional_provider_filter | string |
limit | integer <int32> |
{- "data": [
- {
- "notification_id": "f96afe21-aef9-465c-a9f6-813055655b04",
- "created_datetime": "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "event_datetime": "2025-01-01T00:00:00Z",
- "notification_type": "string",
- "subject_type": "string",
- "subject": "string",
- "additional_provider_filter": "string",
- "status": "NEW",
- "payload": { }
Acknowledge notifications API - Acknowledge notifications that have been processed, so they are no longer returned when fetching
data | Array of strings |
{- "data": [
- "string"
{- "data": {
- "acknowledged": [
- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"
], - "not_found": [
- "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"