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Official Copy Title Known

Fees for this service will be changing from £3 to £7 on 9th December 2024


To use this service you will need a title number for a property or area of land. When you have these details, you can order:

  • an official copy of the register
  • an official copy of the title plan
  • an official copy of a conveyance referred to on the register
  • an official copy of a deed referred to on the register
  • an official copy of the lease

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Process flow


Request an official search by sending the following parameters:

  • login details
  • external reference number
  • title number
  • type (register, title plan, certificate or documents)
  • estate plan plot number(s)
  • requested official copy
  • contact details (customer ref, address, name, phone)
  • fee confirmation
  • property description
  • alternative despatch details

The following parameters will also be necessary if there are any complications, and may be supplied to keep transaction calls and processing times to a minimum.

  • continue if closed and continued?
  • notify if pending first registration?
  • notify if pending application or send back-dated?
  • continue if actual fee exceeds fee confirmation?


Validation diagram details the validation that the request undergoes.

Validation diagram 1

Official copy Title Known - generic validation flow chart

Validation diagram 2

Official register, Title plan or CI (OC1)- this will return Register, Title plan or CI that are associated with the given Title run

Official Copy Title Known via Business Gateway - Register, Title plan or CL flow chart

Validation diagram 3

Official copies documents (OC2)- this will return documents that are associated with the given Title number (This must be requested seperately to register)

Official Copy Title Known - Documents flow chart
Validation diagram Business Rules
Business Rule Decision point BG Code Message ID Message text OC1 / OC2
Internal decision point Does title number exist on LR systems? N bg.title.invalid MSG-BG-010 Title number is invalid OC1
Internal decision point Is title number closed ? Y bg.title.closed MSG-BG-014 Title number is closed OC1
Internal decision point Pending new title but didn’t specify Notify if Pending New Title as true bg.title.pendingFirstRegistration MSG-BG-015 The title number provided is a pending first registration so we are unable to supply an official copy at this time. Please make a new request when the first registration is completed. OC1
Internal decision point Are there any applications pending against the title? Y Are there any application pending with a Dealing Code of ‘CRX’ or ‘DCX’? Y Did request specify to Send Backdated? N Did request specify to Notify if pending application? N bg.title.pendingApplication MSG-BG-016 The title number provided has application(s) pending against it and back-dated office copies were not requested. Please make a new request for back dated office copies or a new request when the application is completed. OC1
BRL-ISBG-056 Are there any applications pending against the title? Y Did request specify Notify if pending application? Y bg.pending.application.notification.message MSG-BG-017 The title number provided has application(s) pending against it. You will be notified when the pending application(s) has been completed so that you can re-apply. A fee has not been debited. OC1
Internal decision point Are there any applications pending against the title? Y Are there any application pending with a Dealing Code of ‘CRX’ or ‘DCX’? Y Did request specify to Send Backdated? N Did request specify to Notify if pending application? Y bg.pending.application.notification.message MSG-BG-017 The title number provided has application(s) pending against it. You will be notified when the pending application(s) has been completed so that you can re-apply. A fee has not been debited. OC1
Internal decision point Can all documents be delivered immediately? N Are all documents unavailable? N bg.officialcopy.documents.electronic.versionNotAvailableMessage MSG-BG-019 Your official copy request cannot be delivered immediately and requires further investigation. We are unable to calculate the exact fee at this time. OC2
Various internal business rules (see workflow) Can all OCs be delivered electronically? N bg.officialcopy.electronic.versionNotAvailableMessage MSG-BG-021 Your official copy(s) cannot be electronically delivered. Paper official copies will be sent to you by post/DX. We reserve the right on fee, it could be more than the fee charged for electronic delivery. OC1
Internal decision point Are there any applications pending against the title? Y Are there any application pending with a Dealing Code of ‘CRX’ or ‘DCX’? Y Did request specify Notify if pending application? N bg.officialcopy.electronic.versionNotAvailableMessage MSG-BG-021 Your official copy(s) cannot be electronically delivered. Paper official copies will be sent to you by post/DX. We reserve the right on fee, it could be more than the fee charged for electronic delivery. OC1
BRL-ISBG-024 Is Title Number continued under another title? bg.title.closedAndContinued MSG-BG-022 Title Number <x> has been closed and registration continued under Title Number <y>. Please request an Official Copy of the new Title Number. OC1
Internal decision point Is the title a pending new title? Y Did request specify Notify if pending new title? Y bg.pending.registration.notification.message MSG-BG-025 The Title number provided is a pending first registration. You will be notified when the first registration has been completed so that you can re-apply. A fee has not been debited. OC1
Internal decision point Can all documents be delivered immediately? Y Is the Actual Fee more than the Expected Fee? Y bg.fee.feeMismatch MSG-BG-032 Fee Amount provided does not match with the fee calculated by Land Registry. OC2
Various internal business rules (see workflow) Calculate <Actual Fee> bg.fee.feeMismatch MSG-BG-032 Fee Amount provided does not match with the fee calculated by Land Registry. OC1
Internal decision point Is the title computerised? N bg.title.notcomputerised MSG-BG-066 Your official copy request cannot be accepted as title records have not been computerised. OC1
Internal decision point Does the request include a CI? Y MSG-BG-067 Your official copy request includes CI which cannot be delivered electronically. The official copy item(s) will be sent by post. OC1
Various internal business rules (see workflow) Is the title a Commonhold common parts title? Y bg.searchOfIndexMap.successMessage MSG-BG-070 You have requested an Official Copy relating to a Commonhold common parts title. Where an Official Copy Register is requested an Official Copy Title Plan is also provided at no extra cost. Similarly, where an Official Copy Title Plan is requested an Official Copy Register is provided at no extra cost. Where an Official Copy Register and Title Plan are requested a fee for each set, rather than each item will be applied. OC1
Internal decision point Are all requested documents unavailable? Y MSG-BG-081 All requested document(s) are unavailable OC2
BRL-ISBG-052 Is the Type of document requested valid? MSG-BG-082 Commonhold Community Statement, Memorandum and Articles of Association, Surrender of Development Rights and Termination Document can only be requested for commonhold titles OC2
Internal decision point Has Additional Information been supplied for a Type of Document of other? MSG-BG-084 Additional Information must be entered when a Document Type of ‘Other’ is selected. OC2


Responds with a confirmation that the request for documents has been sent to Land Registry. The user is also informed of any entitlement due to commonhold.


A Generic document thumbnail image


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A Generic document thumbnail image

Schema explain describes the request schema for the service.

A Generic document thumbnail image


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This provides example XML for the service.

Vendor testing

Documents the data required for testing the service.

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A Generic document thumbnail image