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Local Land Charges Search


Local Land Charges are financial charges or restrictions on the use of a property or area of land.

We’re working with local authorities across the country to standardise and migrate charges. This creates a single register that is up to date and accessible to all.

Use the Local Land Charges service to find details of entries relating to land or property.

If you’re a software developer

Use this document to integrate data into your system.

Process flow


Local Land Charges Search service validation diagram details the validation that the request goes through.

Local Land Charges Service via BG (Business Gateway) flow chart

Local Land Charges Search business rules
BG Code Reason Description
bg.title.invalid Title number is invalid The Title Number must exist on Land Registry systems.
bg.title.closed This title number is closed The Title Number has been closed on Land Registry systems and not continued. Title Number has been closed and registration continued under Title Number. Please request a search using the new Title Number. The Title Number has been closed on Land Registry systems and continued under the provided Title Number.
bg.fee.feeMismatch Fee Amount provided does not match with the fee calculated by Land Registry. If request contains an expected fee which is less than the actual fee and indicator ‘ContinueIfFeeExceedsExpected’ is False.
bg.geojson.invalid The supplied GeoJSON is not valid GEOJSON must be a FeatureCollection and can contain multiple features, polygons and multiple polygons. Unable to obtain GeoJSON from title number please try again with GeoJSON data The Title Number used does not have index mapping to obtain GEOJSON data
bg.nonmigrated.extent You are searching a non-migrated authority, edit your search area or contact the local authority Your search area is in a local authority where the Local Land Charges data has not yet been migrated to HM Land Registry. Search reference not found, refresh searches are valid for 6 months after the initial search Search reference not found on database or original search was over 6 months old
bg.document.maxFileSizeLimitExceeds Generated PDF exceeds maximum size of 20971520 bytes PDF’s in excess of 20MB are not returned by Business Gateway
bg.too.many.results Your search area has too many charges. Email HM Land Registry to search this area: More than 200 Local Land Charges identified from the search area

Local Land Charges Service business rules
Business rule Description
Title number valid Title number must exist on HM Land Registry systems and not be closed or closed and continued
Validate GeoJson GEOJSON must be a FeatureCollection. It may contain Features, Polygons single and multiple.
Search reference valid Search reference as provided in the original response. To allow a refresh of the search, the original search must have been made by the same Business unit and it must be within 6 months of the orginal searches date.
Non-migrated area The whole of the search area is not yet migrated data to Land Registry.
Too many Local Land Charges results If more than 200 Local Land Charges are identified for the search area, a response is not allowed through Business Gateway.
PDF oversize Business Gateway currently does not return PDF’s greater than 20MB. This limit has been increased in the past as broadband speeds have increased and may be reviewed in the future.


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Interface specification

PDF, 606KB, 36 pages
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The interface specification specifies the interface between Land Registry and a Business Gateway Register Extract Service customer.

Vendor testing

Documents the data required for testing the service.

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Vendor Test data

PDF, 252KB, 14 pages
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