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e-Document Registration Service


The new Validated Customer Application Data registration service will be launched next year. It will eventually replace the old e-Document Registration Service. Please wait for the new service rather than start any integrations using the old APIs.


Use this service to:

  • send applications to change the register
  • automate the collection of correspondence and responses
  • receive the completed application back

If you’re a software developer

Use this document to integrate data into your system.

Release notes

13th May 2024

  • Attachment file size increased from 20MB to 40MB.

21st January 2024

  • Discharge fee validation with error code bg.feeinpence.discharge.invalid.
  • Discharge with Charge fee mismatch validation with error code bg.feemismatch.charge.invalid.
  • Rename fee mismatch validation error code to bg.feemismatch.invalid.

19th November 2023

  • Added charge date validation with error code bg.chargedate.invalid.
  • Added charge MDRef validation with error code bg.mdref.invalid.
  • Added charge MDRef validation with error code bg.mdref.validation.
  • Added charge fee validation with error code bg.feeinpence.invalid.
  • Added fee mismatch validation with error code bg.drs.feemismatch.invalid.
    • Will be renamed to bg.feemismatch.invalid in the next release.

Process flow

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Submission guide

PDF, 202KB, 5 pages
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The submission guide advises how to use the services that make up e-DRS.


eDRS BG Request

This visualisation specification provides the ability for Business Gateway to validate and prepare a response for the submission of a bundled substantive application via the Business Gateway against a maximum of 20 title numbers.

Checks specific to this service are applied to the data in the XML document and the request is either rejected or a result reponse is prepared and made available in XML format. Each XML document must contain a valid set of data items that conforms to the XML Schema defined for the service requested. The XML Schema data is detailed separately. This is the primary requirements specification for this service.

An image of an eDRS BG (Business Gateway) request flowchart
eDRS BG Request Rules
Rule number Name Code Description Message ID Message text
BRL-DRSBG-026 AP1 warning bg.drs.ap1warning The only valid value for AP1 Warning Understood is ‘true’ MSG-BG-120 Certification is required that the AP1 warning has been read and understood
BRL-DRSBG-028 Party bg.drs.applicant At least one party for each e-DRS application must have Is Applicant equal to ‘true’ MSG-BG-100 At least one party must be an applicant
BRL-DRSBG-029 Party ID bg.drs.identityform For each Party associated with Not Represented Identity Form there must be at least one Identity Form MSG-BG-119 An Identity Form must be provided
BRL-DRSBG-045 Representation Representation is always required for the following Role Types: ‘Transferor’, ‘Transferee’, ‘Borrower’, ‘Lessor’ and ‘Lessee’ MSG-BG-103 Representation for <Forenames>, <Surname>, <Company Name> must be provided
BRL-DRSBG-046 Representation Representation is only required for a Party with a Role Type of ‘Lender’ when the associated Application Type is ‘Charge’ MSG-BG-103 Representation for <Forenames>, <Surname>, <Company Name> must be provided
BRL-DRSBG-051 Title number validity bg.title.invalid.specific Each Title Number must exist on Land Registry systems and have a valid District Code> MSG-BG-096 Title Number X is invalid
BRL-DRSBG-059 First application priority value bg.drs.priority.startvalue The lowest Application Priority value must be ‘1’ MSG-BG-113 Application priority must begin with ‘1’
BRL-DRSBG-060 Other application priority value bg.drs.priority.nonconsecutive Each Application Priority value must be a whole number and assigned in consecutive ascending order MSG-BG-099 Application priority must be in consecutive numerical order
BRL-DRSBG-112 Application Type for Role Type ‘Borrower’ bg.drs.application.roletype When Application Type is:‘Charge’, Note Agreed Maximum Amount of Security (CH3), A Role Type of ‘Borrower’ must be present MSG-BG-102 Role Type of <Role Type> must be present for <Application Type> <Application Priority>
BRL-DRSBG-117 Application Type for Role Type ‘Transferee’ bg.drs.application.roletype When Application Type is: ‘Transfer’ ‘Transfer by operation of Law(On Death)’ ‘Transfer not for Value’ ‘Transfer of Charge’ ‘Transfer Subject to a Charge’ ‘Entry of Restrictive Covenant’ A Role Type of ‘Transferee’ must be present MSG-BG-102 Role Type of <Role Type> must be present for <Application Type> <Application Priority>
BRL-DRSBG-118 Application Type for Role Type ‘Transferor’ bg.drs.application.roletype When Application Type is: ‘Transfer’ ‘Transfer by operation of Law(On Death)’ ‘Transfer not for Value’ ‘Transfer of Charge’ ‘Transfer Subject to a Charge’ ‘Entry of Restrictive Covenant’ A Role Type of ‘Transferor’ must be present MSG-BG-102 Role Type of <Role Type> must be present for <Application Type> <Application Priority>
BRL-DRSBG-120 Application supported by a document bg.drs.application.document An Application must be supported by a Document unless the value for the Application Type is ‘Discharge’ or ‘Change of Address’ MSG-BG-101 Application Type Application Priority must be supported by a document
BRL-DRSBG-122 Lodging conveyancer representation bg.drs.lodging.representation The Lodging Conveyancer must represent one of the parties to the application MSG-BG-112 Representation by the Lodging Conveyancer must be provided for one of the parties to the application
BRL-DRSBG-125 Title not closed bg.title.closed.specific The Title must be open else corresponding validation failure message received MSG-BG-116 Title number <X> is closed
BRL-DRSBG-183 Invalid Titles scheme.title caution.title Applications against scheme titles or caution titles are not valid MSG-BG-130 Applications against scheme titles or caution titles are not supported
BRL-DRSBG-187 Address for Service bg.drs.transferee.afs Where the lodging conveyancer is the representing conveyancer for transferee(s) an address for service is required for each individual transferee. MSG-BG-131 As you are representing the transferee the address for service is required
BRL-DRSBG-238 Invalid lessee title leasehold.title A Lessees title number provided with a Lease Extension application must match a leasehold title held by Land Registry MSG-BG-140 Lessees title number provided <X> does not match a leasehold title held by Land Registry
BRL-DRSBG-239 Invalid Titles franchise.title Applications for a New Lease, Lease Extension or a Transfer of Part will not be permitted against a title with an estate interest of ‘Affecting Franchise’ or ‘Relating Franchise’ MSG-BG-141 Applications for a New Lease, Lease Extension or a Transfer of Part against an affecting franchise or relating franchise are not supported
BRL-DRSBG-240 Invalid Titles pending.title Applications for a New Lease, Lease Extension or a Transfer of Part will not be permitted against a pending new title MSG-BG-142 The title number provided X is a pending new title. Applications for a New Lease, Lease Extension or a Transfer of Part will not be permitted against a pending new title
BRL-DRSBG-255 Application Type for Role Type ‘Lessor’ bg.drs.application.roletype When Application Type is:- ‘Lease’ A Role Type of ‘Lessor’ must be present MSG-BG-102 Role Type of <Role Type> must be present for <Application Type> <Application Priority>
BRL-DRSBG-256 Application Type for Role Type ‘Lessee’ bg.drs.application.roletype When Application Type is:- ‘Lease’ A <Role Type> of ‘Lessee’ must be present MSG-BG-102 Role Type of <Role Type> must be present for <Application Type> <Application Priority>
BRL-DRSBG-257 Invalid Titles invalid.title.multi.district Applications for a New Lease, Lease Extension or a Transfer of Part will not be permitted against a multi title district title. Corresponding validation failure message- MSG-BG-143 MSG-BG-143 Applications for a New Lease, Lease Extension or a Transfer of Part against a title that has multiple districts associated with it are not supported.
BRL-DRSBG-258 Charge Date bg.chargedate.invalid Application Charge <X> Charge date must not be in the future MSG-BG-145 The date on the charge deed must not post date the application submission date.
BRL-DRSBG-259 Fees bg.feeinpence.invalid Application Charge <X> FeeinPence must not be below 2000 MSG-BG-146 The minimum fee for an application to register a charge is £20 - for more information on scale 2 registration services’ fees see the Land Registration Fee Order 2021, articles 4 and 5.
BRL-DRSBG-260 Fees bg.feemismatch.invalid FeeinPence must match TotalFeeinPence MSG-BG-147 For an application with a single transaction, the FeeinPence field must match TotalFeeinPence field.
BRL-DRSBG-261 MDRef bg.mdref.invalid Application Charge <X> MDRef <X> is invalid MSG-BG-148 The mortgage document reference does not follow the required format. The input for non-digital mortgages should be in the format of ‘MD{digits}{letter}’, where {digits} is 3 or 4 digits, and {letter} is a single letter. The input for digital mortgages should be in the format of ‘e-MD{digits}{letter}’, where {digits} is 3 or 4 digits, and {letter} is a single letter.
BRL-DRSBG-262 MDRef bg.mdref.validation Application Charge <X> MDRef <X> validation failed BSG-BG-149 The mortgage document reference has not been found within the approved commercial arrangements library.
BRL-DRSBG-263 Fees bg.feeinpence.discharge.invalid Application Discharge <X> FeeinPence must be 0 MSG-BG-150 The fee for a discharge application must be ‘0’.
BRL-DRSBG-264 Fees bg.feemismatch.charge.invalid FeeinPence of charge must match TotalFeeinPence MSG-BG-151 For an application with a single charge and one or more discharges, the FeeinPence field for the charge must match TotalFeeinPence field.

eDRS BG Attachment Request

Checks specific to this service are applied to the data in the XML document and the request is either rejected or a result response is prepared and made available in XML format. Each XML document must contain a valid set of data items that conforms to the XML Schema defined for the service requested. The XML Schema data is detailed separately. This requirements specification forms part of a larger service.

An image of a eDRS BG (Business Gateway) attachment request flowchart
eDRS BG Attachment Rules
Rule number Name Code Description Message ID Message text
BRL-DRSBG-127 Attachment Format bg.attachment.formatdescription.error The Attachment file must be in eithe GIF, JPEG, TIFF or PDF format MSG-BG-128 The Attachment file must be in either GIF, JPG, TIFF or PDF format therefore your attachment cannot be accepted
BRL-DRSBG-128 Current Pending Applications bg.attachment.record.not.found The Application Message ID must relate to a pending application MSG-BG-123 Application priority must be in consecutive numerical order
BRL-DRSBG-129 Maximum File Size bg.attachment.filesize.error The maximum file size for an Attachment is 40MB MSG-BG-122 The attached file exceeds the maximum permitted file size of 40MB
BRL-DRSBG-241 PDF Valid If Attachment is a PDF, it must not be secured MSG-BG-126 Attachments in PDF format must be unsecured PDF’s therefore your attachment cannot be accepted
BRL-DRSBG-242 Tiff Valid bg.attachment.tiff.compatibility An eDRS attachment in TIFF format must not violate the TIFF standards MSG-BG-127 The attached TIFF file violates the TIFF standards and therefore your attachment cannot be accepted
NFR-BG-036 Tiff Valid bg.attachment.tiff.compatibility If Attachment is a TIFF file does it must not violate the TIFF standards MSG-BG-127 The attached TIFF file violates the TIFF standards and therefore your attachment cannot be accepted
N/A Attachment Valid bg.attachmentid.notfound Does Attachment ID match a Document ID or Application Priority associated with the application? No MSG-BG-124 Attachment ID does not match a document associated with the application
N/A Acknowledgement TypeCode10 Acknowledge receipt of attachment MSG-BG-129 Your attachment has been received
N/A Virus Check bg.drs.virus Does Attachment contain a suspected virus? MSG-BG-121 Your attachment has been received
N/A Acceptance Receipt TypeCode30 Accepted Attachment MSG-BG-125 Your attachment has been accepted


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eDRS schema model

PDF, 292KB, 9 pages
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Interface specification

PDF, 2870KB, 60 pages
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The interface specification specifies the interface between Land Registry and a Business Gateway e-Document Registration Service customer.

Please use the Business Gateway application types table to guide users as to the correct ServiceTitlesType to select (Dealing/Transfer of Part/New Lease/Lease Extension). This will help reduce the rejection/cancellation of applications.

Vendor testing


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Vendor Test data- EDRS

PDF, 223KB, 18 pages
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Vendor Test data- Attachment

PDF, 174KB, 7 pages
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Vendor Test data- Correspondence

PDF, 135KB, 2 pages
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Vendor Test data- early Completion

PDF, 136KB, 2 pages
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Vendor Test data- Transfer and Charge

PDF, 246KB, 16 pages
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Vendor Test data- Remortgage

PDF, 215KB, 15 pages
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Vendor Test data- Transfer of Equity

PDF, 241KB, 15 pages
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Vendor Test data- Restriction - Hostile Application

PDF, 243KB, 14 pages
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Vendor Test data- Change of Name

PDF, 219KB, 11 pages
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Vendor Test data- Dispositionary First Lease (DFL)

PDF, 227KB, 14 pages
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Vendor Test data- Transfer of Part

PDF, 234KB, 14 pages
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Vendor Test data- Lease Extension

PDF, 274KB, 13 pages
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